This repository contains various sound processing tools, each located in its own folder. Below is an overview of the contents and purpose of each folder.
Description: This project reads a WAV file, performs a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on the audio data, and saves the magnitude plot as PNG images.
- Script:
- Functionality:
- Reads a WAV file.
- Performs FFT on the audio data.
- Saves the magnitude plot as PNG images.
Description: This project provides a web-based tool to convert text to Morse code and vice versa. It includes a simple HTML interface with Bootstrap for styling and JavaScript for functionality.
- Files:
: The main HTML file for the web interface.morse.js
: JavaScript file containing the logic for converting text to Morse code and vice versa.
- Functionality:
- Convert text to Morse code.
- Convert Morse code to text.
- Copy the converted Morse code or text to the clipboard.
- Play the Morse code as audio.
Description: This project generates pink noise and saves it as a WAV file. The pink noise is created by transforming white noise using a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and applying a 1/f scaling factor.
- Script:
- Functionality:
- Generates white noise.
- Transforms white noise to pink noise using FFT.
- Saves the pink noise as a WAV file.
This repository is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.