Local Dress Rental: Campus Couture Requirements: Venmo API for purchasing Website Frontend Homepage Search page/general display page ability to search by size, color, occasion, price, date Individual dress page Display dress attributes Wishlist page Checkout page FAQ/About
Backend: Python Flask
Features: seller/borrower rating; search function by dr Page to upload dress - photos, size, retailer, deposit + price to borrow + dry cleaning
Creativity - Similar version already exists, but without a crowdsourcing or karma element to it. Does not incorporate any type of deposit - collects credit card information so you are charged either way.
Technical Difficulty - Requires storage of dresses in some type of database? Full stack website, maybe a search algorithm
Polish - Could be very polished/visually pleasing.
Usefulness - Solves the problem of having multiple dresses that you use only once, and that wouldn’t be profitable to resell