Cointab Software Private Limited Data Analyst - Challenge
This repo gives the resultant csv dataset (order level calculation in one and summary report in another) which shows the comparison between client and partner courier company to verify if the charges levied by their partners per Order are correct.
The input dataset is provided as a zip file of six excel sheets and the name of sheets are given below:
- Company X - Order Report.xlsx
- Company X - Pin code Zones.xlsx
- Company X - SKU Master.xlsx
- Courier Company - Invoice.xlsx
- Courier Company - Rates.xlsx
- Expected_Result.xlsx
Please download the data from the following link:
- Python (version 3.10.6)
With working directory as project directory run command:
After running command you get an output csv file name (final_output.csv). For summary report ,with working directory as project directory run command:
To check the resultant dataset go to the output dataset folder in working directory.
- final_output.csv
- summary_output.csv