Project Item Catalog - Udacity Full Stack Nanodegree course A Restaurant Menu app was built, where users can add, edit, and delete restaurants and menu items in the restaurants.
To Develop an application that provides a list of restaurants within a variety of menus as well as provide a user registration and authentication system. Registered users will have the ability to post, edit and delete their own restaurants and menus and implements a JSON endpoint that serves the same information as displayed in the HTML endpoints for an arbitrary menu in the restaurant.
Modern web applications perform a variety of functions and provide amazing features and utilities to their users; but deep down, it’s really all just creating, reading, updating and deleting data. In this project, you’ll combine your knowledge of building dynamic websites with persistent data storage to create a web application that provides a compelling service to your users.
- Develop a RESTful web application using the Python framework Flask.
- Implementing third-party OAuth authentication.
- Implementing CRUD (create, read, update and delete) operations.
- Install Vagrant and VirtualBox
- Find the Item_Catalog zip file.
- Extract the zip file and place Item_Catalog folder in your Vagrant directory.
- Launch the Vagrant VM using command:
$ Vagrant up
- Run Vagrant
$ Vagrant ssh
- Change directory to
$ cd /vagrant/Item_Catalog
- Initialize the database
$ python
- Populate the database with some initial data
$ Python
- Launch application
$ Python