click here for demo
- Project Overview
- Features
- Technologies Used
- Installation and Setup
- Usage
- API Key Setup
- Search History Persistence
This is a full-stack Weather Application that provides users with real-time weather information and a 16-day weather forecast for any city, powered by the Weatherbit API. The app allows users to search for a city, view current weather conditions, and check the upcoming forecast. It also keeps track of the last five searches for easy access.
Current Weather Display: Provides real-time data including temperature, weather description, wind speed, humidity, air quality index, etc. 16-day Forecast: Displays a detailed weather forecast for the upcoming 16 days. Search History: Tracks and displays the last five searches. Responsive Design: Works seamlessly on both desktop and mobile devices. Error Handling: Displays meaningful error messages if a city is not found or the API call fails.
React.js: Component-based UI framework.
Axios: For making HTTP requests.
Tailwind CSS: For responsive design and styling.
React Query: For caching and data fetching.
ShadCN UI: For accessible UI components (Dialog, Toast).
Lucide React: For icons.
Node.js: Backend environment.
Express.js: Backend framework to handle API routes.
Axios: For fetching data from the Weatherbit API.
CORS: Middleware to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
Morgan: HTTP request logger middleware for Node.js.
dotenv: For loading environment variables from a .env file.
TypeScript: Superset of JavaScript for type safety.
LocalStorage: Used for storing search history.
To run this project locally, follow these steps:
cd frontend
npm i
cd backend
npm install
- run both your application and server
-- in your front end folder
npm run dev
-- in your backend folder
npm run dev
To use the Weatherbit API, you need an API key. Follow these steps to set it up:
Get the API Key:
Go to the Weatherbit API and sign up for an account. Once you have an API key, copy it. Setup API Key in .env file:
In the project’s server directory, create a file called .env: bash
API_KEY = Your_API_key here
Open the app in your browser (usually at http://localhost:3000). Enter the city and country code (e.g., Lusaka, ZM). Click Search to fetch the current weather and forecast. The app will display real-time weather data and the 16-day forecast. Recent searches will be saved and displayed below the search bar.
The app stores the last 5 city searches in localStorage for easy revisiting. To access your search history:
Enter and search for a city. The city is automatically added to the search history. You can click on any previously searched city to retrieve its weather data.