A prototype PWA with the intent to propose weather-suitable outfits to support the users with their daily clothing selection.
This project was developed as part of the Intelligent User Interfaces course @ University of Bayreuth in the SS21.
A live demo can be found under https://sibartel.github.io/suither/. For the best experience use your mobile browser to add the PWA to your homescreen.
Progressive Web App
All data and calculations are performed locally on the device
Hourly analysis of upcoming weather regarding thermal sensation and precipitation taking different possible clothing variants into account
Multivariate non-linear regression as user model predicting the thermal sensation based on:
- Feels like temperature
- Clothing insulation
- Activity level
Support for different clothing categories
User feedback is used to improve the predicter model
You need a personal api key from openweathermap. The free plan should be sufficient for most applications. You then can either provide the key in a .env
file in the root of the project:
Or export the key as environment variable: export OPENWEATHERMAP_API_TOKEN=SECRET_KEY
npm install # or yarn
npm run dev
This will start the development server on localhost:3000.
export NODE_ENV=production; npx sapper export --basepath 'suither'
The static exported project files are located under __sapper__/export/suither.
Depending on your hosting environment you maybe want to adjust the basepath in the previous command and in src/server.js#L9:
const url = dev ? '/' : '/suither' <-- here
suither is licensed under the MIT license.