This is one damn clean minimalist theme for Hexo. Based on Hexo default theme, Light.
Demo is here
Note : This is still in beta, so far it works fine for me. But I haven't fully test it yet with Gallery, or add in picture in post etc. I only tested simple text entry, and code as that is mainly what I need. Feel free to fork and change to your need.
I am no longer updating this theme as I have moved my blog to Ghost platform.
Execute the following command in the root directory
git clone theme/damnclean
Then modify theme
in _config.yml
to damnclean
Execute the following command to update DamnClean.
cd themes/damnclean
git pull
Default config:
Home: /
Archives: /archives
- search
- category
- tag
- twitter
excerpt_link: Read more
show_replies: false
tweet_count: 5
enable: true
facebook: true
twitter: true
google: true
pinterest: true
fancybox: true
- menu - Main navigation menu
- widget - Widgets displaying in sidebar
- excerpt_link - Display read more link at bottom of post (leave empty to disable)
- github - Github follow button
- username - Github username
- twitter - Twitter follow button
- username - Twitter username
- show_replies - Enable displaying replies
- tweet_count - Tweets display in widget
- addthis - Share buttons at the buttom of articles (Powered by [AddThis])
- enable - Enable share buttons
- pubid - Profile ID of [AddThis]
- facebook - Enable Facebook button
- twitter - Enable Twitter button
- google - Enable Google+ button
- pinterest - Enable Pinterest button
- fancybox - Enable [Fancybox]
- google_analytics - Google Analytics ID
- rss - RSS subscription link (change if using Feedburner)