This repository contains the R scripts necessary to perform the analysis in our paper Tang, Xuming et al. “SARS-CoV-2 Infection Induces Beta Cell Transdifferentiation.” Cell Metabolism, 19 May. 2021, doi:10.1016/j.cmet.2021.05.015, as described in the supplementary methods and main text.
The single cell RNA-seq data were generated with the 10X Chromium and pre-processed using 10X cellranger pipeline. The raw data are available in the GEO database with accession# GSE159556.
The following R packages were used:
- Seurat
- scran
- scater
- slingshot
- batchelor
- gam
- future
- dplyr
- reshape2
- magrittr
- ggplot2
- pheatmap
- cowplot
- RColorBrewer