INTRODUCTION: It is difficult to keep track of money that we remove from our wallets every day. Making some kind of system to aid in remembering the amount in our wallet would be much helpful. Currency counter will enable us to count money accurately and in turn prevent us from becoming a spendthrift.[1]
PROBLEM STATEMENT: To develop a Arduino system to calculate the currency notes and calculate their amount by sensing paper currency using colour sensor and Arduino and to show the remaining balance on 16*2 LCD.[1]
COMPONENTS REQUIRED: Arduino Uno Arduino Uno Mega cable USB 2.0 GY-31 TCS320 colour sensor Male to male jumper wire for breadboard Male to female jumper wire for breadboard IR proximity sensor Breadboard 840 Tie Points MB-102 16*2 alphanumeric LCD
CHALLENGES FACED: The frequency of the colours of the note changed with the distance between the sensor and the currency note. The interference of room light in the calculation of the frequency of colours. The difference in colours and frequencies between old and new notes. The difference in colours and frequencies between unused and used notes.