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npm version License: MIT

Tip: For an enhanced development experience, it's recommended to use this package with @shinlms404/prettier-config. Check out the prettier-config repository for more details.


This is a custom ESLint configuration preset designed by Charlie Chan. It provides a set of rules and configurations for ESLint to ensure consistent code quality.


npm install --save-dev @shinlms404/eslint-config


To use this ESLint configuration, add the following to your project's eslint.config.js file:

import eslintConfigs from '@shinlms404/eslint-config'

export default eslintConfigs()


This ESLint configuration includes the following plugins and dependencies:


  • npm run build: Build project for ESM/CJS formats with type definitions
  • npm run lint: Run ESLint to lint your code
  • npm run lint:fix: Automatically fix fixable ESLint issues
  • npm run prepack: Auto-run build before packaging (npm lifecycle hook)
  • npm run prepare: Setup git hooks with simple-git-hooks
  • npm run release: Bump version and publish to npm
  • npm run stub: Quick build without cleanup/type definitions
  • npm test: Run tests with Vitest
  • npm run typecheck: Run TypeScript type checking
  • npm run watch: Watch files and rebuild on changes


Feel free to open issues and pull requests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


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