git clone
cd blog-mern
npm install
cd client
npm instll
Tailwind CSS
Material UI
Node JS
npm install
cd client
npm install
npm run dev
Of course, you can Sign Up and Log In.
And then the chrome will go to Dashboard.
And at Navbar there is "My Blog".
If you click that, you go to My Blog page.
When you push "Like Button" like number will increased.
And you can click a blog then you can see the detail of that.
In either dashboard and myblog, you can increase watches and likes ----WATCH & LKIES
- implement simple login screen(email, full name, password)
- create a dashboard page to show all blogs as a list
- implement create blog page to create a new blog
- implement update page to update content of the blog
- implement blog detail page to show all contents of the blog
- increase watches when users visit a blog page(except creator)
- increase likes when users click like button on the blog page
- implement user page which contains all blogs created by that user
- connect to backend