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What is this repository for?

Test task for Revolut Backend Test Engineer

Tech stack used behind this test project :

  • Dropwizard as web service framework.
  • Apache Hibernate for ORM.
  • H2 in memory database.
  • Apache Maven as build tool.
  • JUnit as a test framework
  • Mockito for mocking.
  • JaCoCo for code coverage library.


Things you need to have installed to run the test project.

  • Git
  • Apache Maven
  • JDK

Running the application:

  • Clone the project.

    git clone
  • Go to the project.

    cd revolut-money-transfer
  • Run this command

    bash scripts/
  • Alternatively you can run the following commands too

    mvn clean package  
    java -jar target/money-transfer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar server config.yml
  • The application is deployed at http://localhost:8080/

  • You can find the test coverage report at target/site/jacoco/index.html

How the application handles transaction and concurrent transfer

  1. @UnitOfWork annotation over jersey resource method make sure the transaction atomicity.
  2. Optimistic Lock is implemented by adding a version attribute in the entity class. That ensures if other transaction updates the account entity in the middle of a transfer it will no commit the current one by checking the version number.

Available APIs

Account API:

POST: Before transfering amount you need to first create a source acccount and a destination account with balance. This you can do by send a post request /account endpoint with the following as a request body.

  "name" : "Some Test Account",
  "balance" : 100.22
Parameter Type Description
name string Required. The name of the account
balance decimal Required. The initial balance of the amount, must be a positive decimal

Corresponding cURL command:

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8080/account/ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "name" : "Some Test Account",
  "balance" : 100.22

As a response you will get the following

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Some Test Account",
    "balance": 100.22

Keep track of this id as it is needed to transfer money from one account to another.

Available status code for this API endpoint :

Status Code Description Comment
200 OK If the applications successfully creates the account
400 Bad Request If the json is malformed
422 UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY If parameter constraints violates like giving negative balance
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR If something bad happened in the server

GET: You can fetch account informaton by sending a GET request with account id as a path parameter to the following endpoint. /account/{accountId}

Example request:

curl -X GET \
  http://localhost:8080/account/1 \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \

As a response you will get the following

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Some Test Account",
    "balance": 100.22

Available status code for this API endpoint :

Status Code Description Comment
200 OK If the applications successfully fetches the account
600 NO ACCOUNT FOUND If no account found for this id
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR If something bad happened in the server

Transfer API:

POST: To make a transfer we need to define the source account, destination account and transfer amount first. Then a post request with this information to /transfer endpoint will make the transfer.

	"fromAccountId": 2,
	"toAccountId": 1,
	"amount": 100
Parameter Type Description
fromAccountId long Required. The id of the source account
toAccountId long Required. The id of the destination account
amount decimal Required. The transfer amount, must be a positive decimal

Corresponding cURL command:

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8080/transfer/ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
	"fromAccountId": 2,
	"toAccountId": 1,
	"amount": 100

As a response you will get the following

	"fromAccountId": 2,
	"toAccountId": 1,
	"amount": 100

Available status code for this API endpoint :

Status Code Description Comment
200 OK If the applications successfully transfer the amount
400 Bad Request If the json is malformed
422 UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY If parameter constraints violates like giving negative balance
601 SOURCE ACCOUNT NOT FOUND If non exisiting source account id given
602 DESTINATION ACCOUNT NOTFOUND If non exisiting destination account id given
603 NOT ENOUGH BALANCE If the source account don't have enough balance
604 ACCOUNT ALREADY UPDATED If the account is already updated by another transaction concurrently
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR If something bad happened in the server


  1. Load/Stress test of the application to see how it works with concurrent requests
  2. Swagger integration for api documentation
  3. Code Quality linters integration like sonar cloud.
  4. More granular exception mapping.


Test Task for Backend Engineer







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