The library uses JSch (Java Secure Channel).
Copyright (c) 2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007 Atsuhiko Yamanaka, JCraft, Inc.
import sftp.*;
Sftp sftp;
void setup() {
// Create the SFTP object
// if 3rd arg = false, you must set the password in your code
// if 3rd arg = true, you will be prompted to enter your password
sftp = new Sftp("","login", true);
// sftp.setPassword("XXXXXX");
sftp.start(); // start the thread
void mousePressed() {
// At any point you can execute an SFTP command
// Not all commands are currently implemented
// but you do have "ls" and "get"
// Gosh, I should implement "put", sorry!
sftp.executeCommand("get file.txt");