Employee Polls
Employee Polls is a React application that let employees create and participate in polls together. Employer and other employees are able to see the leaderboard that contains statistics about employees polls and participation.
The project is built mainly to get hands-on experience with React/Redux. It can be improved in the future by: -- Create a real authentication, so users can sign up and login with their accounts. -- Create user profiles that hold their personal and polls data. -- Make user profiles accessible from leaderboard.
- React 18
- Redux
- React Redux
- React Bootstrap
- React Redux Loading Bar
- Jest
- React Testing Library
- Freepik
Initial data and APIs are create by Udacity team. Details about APIs are in /src/utils/README.md
To install required packages, in the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
To run all the included included unit tests using Jest and React Testing Library.
Shefaa Saad - 2022