I'm an educator, software engineer, writer and creator of systems. I have a lot of niche knowledge at the intersection of tech and education. I want to power up tech educators by sharing what I know, and by learning in public.
You can see more of what I am about on my blog. I mostly write about tech education, technology and organisational psychology.
You can follow me on the different social media platforms to see what I'm up to:
I founded a company called Prelude. Prelude offers super high quality Python and Django training.
You can see what people are saying about it here
I started the Guild of Educators. It's a community for tech education nerds. The guild aims to spread knowledge and skills in tech education. I've learned a LOT about tech ed in the past few years. I know all the ins and outs of what it takes to help a noob grow into a pro (we were all noobs once). I want to give power to tech educators by sharing my expertise, and I want to learn about the problems and solutions from other people's contexts.