Dotfiles for M1/M2 devices for Nix-Darwin or Asahi Linux on NixOS. Managed via and
Install Nix.
sh <(curl -L --daemon
Build, and switch to the dotfiles
nix build ~/nix-darwin-dotfiles\#darwinConfigurations.shaunsingh-laptop.system --extra-experimental-features nix-command --extra-experimental-features flakes
./result/sw/bin/darwin-rebuild switch --flake .#shaunsingh-laptop
(note, --extra-experimental-features
is only needed the first time around. After that the configuration will edit /etc/nix/nix.conf
to enable flakes and nix-command by default)
Follow the nixos-apple-silicon guide to install asahi, uboot, and m1n1 to your machine. Reboot your machine into NixOS. Make sure to set a password for your user. Clone this repository and cd
into it. Run the following commands. Don't worry if it takes a while, as it needs to build the kernel and certain features from source.
sudo nixos-rebuild boot --flake .#shaunsingh-laptop --extra-experimental-features nix-command --extra-experimental-features flakes
The system should reboot into nixOS and ask for your username and password, then autoboot into sway. You may optionally run the following command to free up space.
sudo nix-collect-garbage -d