1. Install all the required apps
- i3
- alacritty
- i3lock-color
- polybar
- rofi
- flameshot
- dunst
- feh
2. Move everything from .config
to ~/.config/
3. Install the rofi theme
git clone https://github.com/dracula/rofi
cp rofi/theme/config1.rasi ~/.config/rofi/config.rasi
4. Move the rofi-power-menu
from the scripts
directory to ~/.local/bin/
and make it executable
5. Then move everything from .fonts
to ~/.fonts/
6. Install ohmyposh from here
7. Adjust the Oh My Posh init line in ~/.bashrc
(could be ~/.profile
or ~/.bash_profile
depending on your environment) by adding the --config
flag with the location of your configuration.
eval "$(oh-my-posh init bash --config ~/.config/prompt.omp.json"
8. Once altered, reload your profile for the changes to take effect.
exec bash
9. Reboot your system.
- Power menu script by @jluttine
- Dunst configuration by @ericmurphyxyz
- i3lock-color dracula theme
- Catppuccin polybar , i3 and rofi theme
- Oh-my-posh material theme