A trivia app that tests your knowledge in mythology. The UI is built with React and fetches fresh mythology trivia questions and answers data from the Open Trivia Database API.
- Application URL
- Demo and Code Walkthrough
- How to Use the Application
- Technologies Used
- Future Feature Sets
- Stumbling and Learning Points
- Player browses to the app's welcome page.
- App displays 5 trivia questions each with 4 multiple choice answers.
- Player clicks on the answer to each questions.
- Player clicks on Check Answers.
- Correct answers should get highlighted, and a total score and time taken to answer should display.
- Player can click on Play Again to restart the game.
- Enable the player to choose the number of questions and the level of difficulty.
- Enable the player to choose questions category and change the app theme accordingly.
- Figuring out how to display the loading image at least for a set amount of time, and at most for the time it takes to load the data.
const elapsedTime = Date.now() - startTime;
const delay = Math.max(minQuestionsLoadingDelay - elapsedTime, 0);