raised the blockchain technology, where Ethereum
took it to the next level. Often said, Blockchin 2.0
, Ethereum
proved the possibility of blockchain technology beyond financial sector. This public blockchain network is famous for allowing the implementation of smart contracts. Smart Contract
acts as a locker
where it can be unlocked by certain conditions. Solidity
programming language can be used to develop these Smart Contract
By the end of this article,
- You will have a deployed smart contract in
network (Rinkeby Testnet) - You will interact with your smart contract using a react and node app.
Metamask is a pretty neat browser plugin. It allows an end user to interact with a dAPP on ethethreum
network. With metamask
, end user do not have to run a ethereum node
. Metamask
also handle users Ethereum Wallet
- Install Chrome Browser in your machine
- Go to Chrome Web Store and search for
- Open
offered by
- Click
Add to Chrome
and confirm byAdd Extension
- Now
should be available in yourChrome Extension
Using wallet, end users are allowed to send and receive ethers from dApps.
- Open
and clickGet Started
- If you already have a wallet then go to
Import Wallet
- To create a new wallet go for
Create Wallet
- Agree with
Privacy Policy
, put password and create thewallet
- Reveal and save the
Backup Phrase
in a secure place - Now go to
Next Section
, select the words according to the phrase - Now your wallet is
All Set Up
, You should get yourAccount Address
Tesnet like Rinkeby
, does not deal with actual money. To deploy and make transaction in ethereum testnet
we will require the fake ether.
- Open the
plugin - On
switch toRinkeby Network
fromMain Network
- Go to
free ether supplier
site. We will follow theirtwitter
instruction. - Go to Twitter and create a
of ourEthereum Account Address
- If your
Ethereum Account Address
, the just tweet theaddress
- You can include anything with the
- It is valid, till the
contains the address.
- If your
- Open the
published tweet
in a new page and copy thepage link
. - Put the
tweet link
in thefree ether supplier
site and from theGive me ether
, select a suitable package - Now in your
,fake ether
should appear - Sometimes it takes a little more time to
, so wait and also make sure youMetamask
is connected to theRinkeby
is a online ide to create solidity smart contract. It also has feature to compile
, run
, deploy
and simulate
smart contracts.
- Open Remix IDE.
- Select environment
- Go to
File Explorer
Tab and create a fileLottery.sol
- Get the Contract Code
- Go to
Solidity Compiler
Tab and SelectCompiler Version
asCompiler Default
- Now click
Compile Lottery.sol
- You can enable
the checkboxAuto Compile
- Go to
Deploy And Run Transaction
Tab andDeploy
the contract in localEVM
- Your contract functionality will be available in
Deploy And Run Tracsaction
tab, under theDeployed Contract
provide developers a place to kick the smart contract
and test
before the real assets being involved. These Testnets
behave very much like the main-net
and does not require actual money(ether
). Here we are going to try Rinkeby Testnet
- Make sure you run the
contract using previous section instructions - Open
, put thepassword
and make sure, you are connected to theRinkeby
network. - Go to
Deployed And Run Transaction
tab and selectEnvironment
isInjected Web3
- As account, your
wallet address should be selected
- Make sure you have enough
in your wallet to deploy the contract - Now click
. This will deploy yourcontract
to theRinkeby
network. - In the
Remix IDE
, checkLog Section
and grab theTransaction Hash
and store it. - Go to Ether Scan and search for the
Transaction Hash
. You will get theDeployed Contract Address
. Also thisContract Address
will be required further.
Everything on Ethereum Network
is public, including smart contract byte-code
. Byte-code
is low level stuff and very difficult to understand. You can publish your solidity source code
by verify and publish
in ether-scan
. If you want more people to interact with your smart contract
, you should verify and publish
your smart-contract
- From Ether Scan, search the
Transaction Hash
orContract Address
and go toContract Details
page - From
Contract Details
, go toContract
tab - Click
Verify and Publish
, and setCompiler Type
asSolidity(Single File)
Compiler Version
License Type
asWhatever Your's Requirement
- Click
and putContract Code
fromRemix IDE
or Gist - Click
Verify and Publish
and you should get theContract Byte Code
andContract ABI
- Store the
Contract Byte Code
andContract ABI
for future use
This is a react
app to interact with our lottery
git clone
To run the react app, please ensure the following environment
> Make sure `node.js` is installed. To check version, use `node -v`. This is tested in node 10.17.0
>(Optional, only for node.js deployment) In `\config` directory, create file `dev.js` and put local db url with username and password. An example is provide in the same directory named `example-dev.js`
> To use your own contract, update the `/ui/src/contractConfig.js` as your `Contract Address` and `Contract ABI`
To run your app locally, you do not need a server
. But for deployment, the static react app
should be hosted in node app
> Install server side dependency by `npm i` in the project-root directory. In case you face any problem, use `yarn` package manager.
> Run server by `npm run dev`
> Server is running in `http://localhost:8080`
> Go to `\ui` and install dependencies `npm i`
> Update `api url` to local node app `http://localhost:8080` in `App.js` file.
> Run the front end `npm start`
> Your app is available in `http://localhost:3000`
> Make sure `metamask` is installed
> Make sure you are connected to `Rinkeby` network and have enough ether
You are all set to go.
It is important to test your smart-contract
before deployment.
> To install dependency, Go to root directory and run `npm i`
> Invoke unit-test by `npm run test`
A deployed version of can be found here.
For any query, please leave a response below. I will reply as soon possible. Also, you can contact iXora team for any assistance.
From account:
Contract address:
In this article we will simulate a solidity smart contract
in remix IDE
. Then we will cover test
, deployment
and interaction
for the smart contract. For interaction
we will use the node
server and react
library. Also make sure the we remove read
dependency from metamask