RealTalk is a communications platform that allows users to connect with video, audio and chat.
The power of collaboration is that it can turn a group of individuals into a team empowered to achieve great things RealTalk is a type of application that enables users to share their computer screens with others in real-time over the internet. It includes features that allows user to chat and video call with each other.
Deployment Link -
Client: HTML | CSS | Javascript | Bootsrap | External CSS library
Server: Node.js | Express.js | MongoDB | WebRTC | PeerJS library | | Bcrypt | PassPort | cors | Redis | JWT
github: To maintain repository and collabration and version control.
VS Code: To write HTML,CSS and JavaScript code.
Microsoft Edge,Google Chrome & Mozilla Firefox: To check the functionality and run the code.
- Home page
- Login/Signup
- Dashboard
- Create Room
- Join Room
- Real time Message
- Authentication using JWT
- implementation using
- fully functional Video and Audio icons
- MongoDB
- Redis
- Chatting
- Video Calling
- First Create room
- User can join the call by using the room ID
- To end the call click on hang on button
- First Create room
- User can join the room using room ID after login
- Time is displayed of message
- Notifies User info
const express = require('express');
const { client } = require('../db');
const RoomRouter = express.Router()"/join", async (req, res) => {
try {
const { roomID, type } = req.body
let isRoomExist = await client.exists(`${roomID}`)
if (isRoomExist) {
const DataBaseType = await client.get(`${roomID}`)
if (DataBaseType == type) {
res.status(201).send({ "ok": true, "msg": "Room Joined Succesfully" })
} else {
res.send({ "ok": false, "msg": `${type} Room Doesn't Exist` });
} else {
res.send({ "ok": false, "msg": `Room Doesn't Exist` });
} catch (error) {
res.status(401).send({ "ok": false, "msg": error.message })
Shaikh Shahbaz(Team Lead)
Aman Kashyap
- e-Mail:
- GitHub:
MD Haroon Hussain
- e-Mail:
- GitHub: