Drive Amazon Mechanical Turk from your Clojure apps.
biomass is an implementation of the Amazon Web Services Mechanical Turk REST API in clojure.
Previously smnirven/biomass
#Build Status
Kudos to [Robert Boyd] ( and [Thomas Steffes] ( for the previous implementations
Before making any requests, be sure to set your AWS credentials
(biomass.request/setup {:AWSAccessKey "aws-access-key"
:AWSSecretAccessKey "aws-secret-key"})
For using the library in sandbox mode, add :sandbox true
to the map.
Amazon Mechanical Turk allocates jobs to humans in the form of "Human Intelligence Tasks" or "HITs".
See the [Getting Started Guide] ( for an overview of Amazon Mechanical Turk for developers.
See the API reference for documentation on various operations and their parameters.
All operations are made in the format (biomass.request/requester :operation {params})
, where :operation
is the keyword form of an operation defined in the API, and params
is a map from schemas.
Example of creating a HIT:
(biomass.request/requester :CreateHIT {:HITTypeId "3L55M9M850CUHK36475FRIWIOKN9OL"
:HITLayoutParameter [{:Name "name" :Value "John Doe"}
{:Name "phone" :Value "000-000-000"}]
:LifetimeInSeconds 6000})
Note that the nested layout params is also a map from schemas. Multiple parameters are passed in a vector.
Sample response:
{:status :success,
({:OperationRequest ({:RequestId ("cb2cf94e-b2e2-448c-a2c6-41806bd2e046")})}
({:Request ({:IsValid ("True")})}
{:HITTypeId ("3L55M9M850CUHK36475FRIWIOKN9OL")})})}]}
The XML response is parsed to a data structure similar to above, where the tag name is a key in a map and its value is a list that contains its children nodes. See the API for specifics about various types of response formats and fields.
The status
is always :success
if the request returned a status code 200, irrespective of whether the request was valid for the API. Check the :IsValid
in response to test whether the request was valid at the API level.
Creating a HITType with qualification:
(let [qualification {:QualificationTypeId "00000000000000000071"
:Comparator "In"
:LocaleValue [{:Country "US"}
{:Country "IN"}
{:Country "GB"}]
:RequiredToPreview false}]
(biomass.request/requester :RegisterHITType {:Title (str "TestHITType" (time/now))
:Description "Test generated hittype"
:Reward {:Amount 0.50 :CurrencyCode "USD"}
:AssignmentDurationInSeconds 600
:Keywords "test"
:QualificationRequirement qualification}))
Approving all submitted assignments and disposing hits:
(defn get-ids
[response path target-key]
(->> [response]
(biomass.util/find-in-response-with-path path)
(map target-key)
(defn approve-assignments
(doseq [assignment (get-ids (biomass.request/requester :GetAssignmentsForHIT {:HITId hit-id :AssignmentStatus "Submitted"})
[:response :GetAssignmentsForHITResponse :GetAssignmentsForHITResult :Assignment :AssignmentId]
(biomass.request/requester :ApproveAssignment {:AssignmentId assignment :RequesterFeedback "Approved"})))
(defn dispose-hits
(doseq [hit (get-ids (biomass.request/requester :GetReviewableHITs {})
[:response :GetReviewableHITsResponse :GetReviewableHITsResult :HIT :HITId]
(approve-assignments hit)
(biomass.request/requester :DisposeHIT {:HITId hit})))
environment variables before testing.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY="access-key" AWS_SECRET_KEY="secret-key" SANDBOX_WORKER_ID="worker-id" lein test
Copyright © 2016 Shafeeq Kunnakkadan
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.