Welcome to my journey of exploration in the captivating realm of software development! This portfolio serves as a showcase for a variety of projects, ranging from web development to Telegram bots and Android applications. Here, you'll discover a collection of works that reflect my fervor for learning, problem-solving, and pushing the boundaries of technology.
- Ktu Study Guide.
- realtimechat
- cs stackup food bloggong website
- ScholarshipMangementSystem
- little eatery(coming soon)
- (naminiElectric)[https://github.com/shadil-rayyan/namini-electric_website/tree/main]
- Laptop Price Predictor
- face shape predicator
- ktuaiLlm
- kturagdesktop()
-ktucselab ( i manage a repostiory that contains lab viva and practical question for cse students)
- codecompass(this is my club respository )
Each project has a dedicated folder with instructions and necessary files. Feel free to reach out if you encounter any issues or have questions. Stay tuned for more exciting projects in the future! Contact me at shadilrayyan2@gmail.com.
Feel free to connect with me.
This portfolio is currently under development, and content is subject to change.