Swift package providing methods for serving Protomaps tile databases from httpswift/swifter instances.
This package provides a simple ServeProtomapsTiles
helper method to serve one or more Protomaps tile databases using HTTP Range
header requests, inclusive of setting any necessary CORS
It was designed for use with an iOS application built around WKWebKitView
views whose HTML/JavaScript code need to load and render local (on device) Protomaps tiles.
It is not designed to be a general purpose function for serving files using HTTP Range
requests. It uses the swift-pmtiles package under the hood.
For a longer version detailing why we did this please see the Serving map tiles to yourself using Protomaps and iOS blog post.
import Swifter
import SwifterProtomaps
do {
guard let root = URL(string: "/path/to/pmtiles") else {
raise NSException(name:"InvalidURL", reason:"Invalid URL", userInfo:nil).raise()
let port: in_port_t = 9000
var opts = ServeProtomapsOptions(root: root)
opts.AllowOrigins = "*"
opts.AllowHeaders = "*"
let server = HttpServer()
server["/pmtiles/:path"] = ServeProtomapsTiles(opts)
try server.start(port)
} catch {
print("Server start error: \(error)")
Note: If you define server
inside a function or a closure and don't persist the variable globally the HTTP server will stop as soon as the variable goes out of scope. This is obvious if you stop to think about it but sometimes these things aren't obvious and you end up burning a lot of cycles figuring it out all over again. Maybe it's just me...
And then in your JavaScript code load and use Protomaps as usual, pointing to the server running on localhost:9000
const p = new protomaps.PMTiles("http://localhost:9000/pmtiles/example.pmtiles");
p.metadata().then(m => {
let bounds_str = m.bounds.split(',')
let bounds = [[+bounds_str[1],+bounds_str[0]],[+bounds_str[3],+bounds_str[2]]]
layer = new protomaps.LeafletLayer({
attribution: '',
url:p ,
bounds: bounds,
You can see a working example of this in the sfomuseum/swifter-protomaps-example package:
defines runtime options for serving Protomaps tiles.
public struct ServeProtomapsOptions {
/// Root is the root directory to serve Protomaps tiles from
public var Root: URL
/// AllowOrigin is a string containing zero or more allowed origins for CORs requests and responses. Default = "".
public var AllowOrigins: String
/// AllowHeaders is a string containing zero or more allowed headers for CORs requests and responses. Default is "".
public var AllowHeaders: String
/// Logger is an option swift-logging instance for recording errors and warning. Default is nil.
public var Logger: Logger?
/// Optional string to strip from URL paths before processing. Default is "".
public var StripPrefix: String
/// Optional value to use System.FileDescriptor rather than Foundation.FileHandle to read data. This is necessary when reading from very large Protomaps databases. This should still be considered experimental as in "It works, but if you find a bug I won't be shocked or anything." Default is false.
public var UseFileDescriptor: Bool
Note the UseFileDescriptor
option. If you are trying to serve the 120GB global tileset from an iOS application you will need to enable this. The default behaviour is to use Foundation.FileHandle
to open files and a 120GB database will trigger POSIX "Cannot allocate memory" errors.
You will need to ensure your application has the following NSAppTransportSecurity
Note: The use of the NSExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads
setting will prevent any application using this package from being accepted by the Apple AppStore. That's not a "feature" so much as an acceptable trade-off (for SFO Museum) since this package was developed for local/on-site applications.
There are other HTTP libraries which support TLS (HTTPS) and which look to be able to run as a background service in an iOS application (notably hummingbird) but they have not been tested yet. If you have any experience with or other packages we'd love to hear about it.
Add the following entries to your dependencies
block and any relevant target
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/sfomuseum/swift-protomaps.git", from: "0.1.0"),
name: "{YOUR_TARGET}",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "SwifterProtomaps", package: "swifter-protomaps")
is a minimal HTTP server for serving Protomaps files (using the SwifterProtomaps
$> swift build && ./.build/debug/swifter-protomaps-server --help
Building for debugging...
[11/11] Applying swifter-protomaps-server
Build complete! (0.99s)
USAGE: swifter-protomaps-server [--root <root>] [--port <port>] [--verbose <verbose>] [--filedescriptors <filedescriptors>]
--root <root> The parent directory where PMTiles databases should be served from.
--port <port> The port to listen on for new connections (default: 8080)
--verbose <verbose> Enable verbose logging (default: false)
--filedescriptors <filedescriptors>
Use System.FileDescriptor rather than Foundation.FileHandle to read data. This is necessary when reading from very large Protomaps databases. This should
still be considered experimental (default: false)
-h, --help Show help information.
This package requires:
- iOS 14.0 or higher
- MacOS 11.0 or higher.