SCRAM (Small Complementary RNA Mapper) is a small RNA-focused index-free aligner that rapidly maps small RNA reads exactly to reference sequences, with an integrated visualization package generating interactive and publication-quality plots.
Details on installation and usage can be found here.
To use the Docker image, see this Gist.
Profile alignment of 1 set of read files (likely biological replicates) to one or more reference sequences
./scram profile
Align reads of length l from 1 read file set to all sequences in a reference file
For example:
scram profile -r ref.fa -1 seq1a.fa,seq1b.fa,seq1c.fa -l 21,22,24 -o testAlign
scram profile [flags]
-r, --alignTo
: Path/to/FASTA reference file
-1, --fastxSet1
: Comma-separated path/to/read file set 1. GZIPped files must have .gz file extension
-l, --length
: Comma-separated read (sRNA) lengths to align
-o, --outFilePrefix
: Path/to/outfile prefix (_len.csv will be appended)
-t, --readFileType
: Read file type: cfa (collapsed FASTA), fa (FASTA), fq (FASTQ), clean (BGI clean.fa). (default "cfa")
: 3' adapter sequence to trim - FASTA & FASTQ only (default "nil")
: Maximum read length to include for RPMR normalization (default 32)
: Minimum read count for alignment and to include for RPMR normalization (default 1)
: Minimum read length to include for RPMR normalization (default 18)
: Do not split alignment count for each read by the number of times it aligns
Compare alignment of 2 sets of read files (likely biological replicates) to multiple reference sequences
./scram compare
Compare normalised alignment counts and standard errors for 2 read file sets
For example:
scram compare -r ref.fa -1 seq1a.fa,seq1b.fa,seq1c.fa -2 seq2a.fa,seq2b.fa,seq2c.fa -l 21,22,24 -o testAlign
scram compare [flags]
-2, --fastxSet2
: Comma-separated path/to/read file set 2. GZIPped files must have .gz file extension
%run profile
-a, --alignment
: sRNA alignment file prefix used by SCRAM profile (i.e. exclude _21.csv, _22.csv, _24.csv)
-l, --length
: Comma-separated list of sRNA lengths to plot. SCRAM alignment files must be available for each sRNA length
-s, --search
: Full header or substring of header. Without flag, all headers will be plotted
: Min. alignment RPMR from the most abundant profile (if multi) to generate plot
: +/- y axis limit
: Smoothing window size (default=auto)
: Remove all labels from profiles for editing for publication
: Export plot/s as 300 dpi .png file/s
: For plotting large profiles (i.e. chromosomes). Assigns reads 10,000 bins prior to smoothing. X-axis shows bin, not reference position
%run compare
-a, --alignment
: sRNA alignment file prefix used by SCRAM compare (i.e. exclude _21.csv, _22.csv, _24.csv)
-l, --length
: Comma-separated list of sRNA lengths to plot. SCRAM alignment files must be available for each sRNA length
: Bokeh plot type to display (log, log_error or all)
: x label - corresponds to -s1 treatment in SCRAM arguments. Used to generate .png file name
: y label - corresponds to -s2 treatment in SCRAM arguments. Used to generate .png file name
: If not using Jupyter Notebook, output interactive plot to browser as save to .html
: Remove all labels from profiles for editing for publication
: Export plot/s as 300 dpi .png file/s
- For a detailed worked example of scram's capabilities, see the following link (which uses the scram_docker image):
The scram aligner and plotting script are installed, along with Jupyter notebook, on the minimal Miniconda base.
You'll need docker installed. Ensure your project drive is shared and you've got a decent about of RAM (i.e. 8 GB+) available.
Navigate to your project base directory. Your host project files (i.e. collapsed FASTA read and FASTA reference files in sub-directories) will be mounted.
Bash shell
docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/work -p 8888:8888 sfletcher/scram_docker
Windows PowerShell
docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/work -p 8888:8888 sfletcher/scram_docker
Copy generated link with token into your browser.
From a Jupyter notebook file, the scram aligner can be invoked by:
And the script by:
%run /scram_plot/
Pre-compiled binaries are can be found at (*nix binaries may need to be made executable with
chmod +x /path/to/binary
): -
Execute with the full binary name (e.g. scram_osx) rather than scram
Go(lang) 1.8+ is required
Install via
go get
go get
Navigate to scram directory containing main.go (e.g.
)go install
scram will be in the
Python 3.5+ is required
git clone
cd scram_plot
python install