Helper scripts for PIA VPN port forwarding. This is for PIA VPN's Nextgen servers only.
The outline for portforwarding of these scripts were taken from the below repo, so credit to them :-
Problem with the above is it's designed to start your vpn connection and also do portforward. The scripts in the above repo simply won't work when something else starts the vpn connection. There are also some other issues with the above, that make them not really optimal for the way I (and many others) like to use a VPN.
The scripts in this repo are designed for the system (i.e any of the Linux service managers) to start and manage the vpn connection and for the script to use that connection to make the portforward call.
This is designed to request a portforward from pia over any already established connection. PIA VPN now needs a heartbeat for port forwarding, so you will need to run every 15mins or so from a chron job (or equiv). Simply edit the config variables in the script and away you go.
Main variables to edit are the below.
-- OR --
It depends on the following system utilities, most are already installed, if not sudo apt-get install xxxx
will do it for most linux systems. curl, ip, ifconfig, traceroute, jq, dig
Firt think to check is you have all the dependancy installed, Run with the below to check.
./ check_install
All script options are below, hopefully the names are self explanatory.
- get_public_ip_address
- get_vpn_ip_address
- get_public_port
- bind_public_port
- get_status (optional parameter
) - check_install
To get port, simply run the below command
./ get_public_port
Please note, PIA can change this port on you, so the application that needs the port forward information should call this at a regular interval and update appropiatly. The script will get a token that's valid for 2 months, and it will keep using that token until it expires. PIA will also expire the port if you don't keep a heartbeat going. This heartbeat needs to be at 15 min intervals, so simply get your application to call the above every 15 mins, or you can use the bind_public_port
option below.
Heartbeat, should be run on ~15min schedule. PIA will drop your portforward if you don't keep a heartbeat to them. If your application is calling get_public_port
at an 15min interval or less, you do not need to make the below call.
./ bind_public_port
Sample output of the get_status
option is below, (with extended option passed)
please note the "Ext Access" test. The PIA VPN column is a bind test, ie the script managed to bind to the port, the System column is an external test, ie outside world can connect to the ip & port, so you will need your application receiving information to pass that test.
sudo ./ get_status extended
Test | PIA VPN | System
VPN Running | Yes | N/A
VPN IP | |
Public IP | |
Port forward | 37675 | N/A
Ext Access | Passed | Passed
Public IP information
ip |
hostname |
city | Zürich
region | Zurich
country | CH
loc | 47.3828,8.5307
org | AS60068 Datacamp Limited
postal | 8086
timezone | Europe/Zurich
No documentation yet. this will configure rTorrent to pia vpn and also keep everything up to date as ports / ip's / connections change.
This script has all functionality of
, so there is no need to install both.
The basic idea of this script is it keeps rtorrent insync with pia vpn & port forwarding, making sure not to loose your anonymity. It get's called from 3 parts of your system:-
- Called from
to get all public network information (bind ip, public ip, public port forwatd), if PIA portworwarding is not active on any of these calls, the script will activate it. - Called from vpn connecting or closing.
- Called from
as a health check, it will stop / start / restart vpn & rtorrent depending on status of connections.
/etc/sudoers rtorrent user (rtorrent in this example) need root access to these scripts
rtorrent, =(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/lib/rtorrent-utils/*
The below will make rtorrent call this script on startup and regular intervals to get the appropiate information. network.bind_address, network.port_range network.local_address
method.insert = get_vpn_ip_address, simple|private, "execute.capture=bash,-c,\"sudo /usr/bin/rtorrent_helper get_vpn_ip_address\""
method.insert = get_public_port, simple|private, "execute.capture=bash,-c,\"sudo /usr/bin/rtorrent_helper get_public_port\""
method.insert = get_public_ip_address, simple|private, "execute.capture=bash,-c,\"sudo /usr/bin/rtorrent_helper get_public_ip_address\""
schedule2 = vpn_ip_tick, 3, 1800, "network.bind_address.set=(get_vpn_ip_address)"
schedule2 = public_port_tick, 0, 900, "network.port_range.set=(get_public_port)"
schedule2 = public_ip_tick, 2, 1800, "network.local_address.set=(get_public_ip_address)"
# Run every hour
0 * * * * "/usr/bin/rtorrent_recondition"
Optional, add below to your openvpn (vpn) configuration file, by default /etc/openvpn/xxx.conf
script-security 2
up /usr/bin/rtorrent_vpn_up
down /usr/bin/rtorrent_vpn_down