- This is an H1 Features
- This is an H1
2.1. This is an H2
2.2. This is an H2
2.2.1. This is an H3 - This is an H1 Features
3.0.1. 中文標題
3.1. Not Use
3.2. Not support
由於計劃於本月底到東京自由行,又為了減輕行李負擔,這次希望不要攜帶筆記型電腦,雖說我的Think Pad X61「只有」1.5公斤,但開關機緩慢的速度經常會打消我使用的欲望,因此這次就評估看看iPad是否會是旅行的好伴侶。為了達成攜帶iPad旅行運用,我事先做了下列的硬體與軟體準備︰
- iPad、連接線與充電器
- Apple Camera Connection Kit
- AluPen觸控筆
- JustMobile Encore iPad折疊式鋁質置放架
- 藍牙無線鍵盤+備用電池一顆
- 日本國內的3G SIM卡 (尚未備妥)
Here's an example:
function test() {
console.log("notice the blank line before this function?");
require 'redcarpet'
markdown = Redcarpet.new("Hello World!")
puts markdown.to_html
First Header | Second Header |
Content Cell | Content Cell |
Content Cell | Content Cell |
Function name | Description |
help() |
Display the help window. |
destroy() |
Destroy your computer! |
Left-Aligned | Center Aligned | Right Aligned |
col 3 is | some wordy text | $1600 |
col 2 is | centered | $12 |
zebra stripes | are neat | $1 |
- iPad專屬軟體
- GPS軟體 (還在Survey,[MotionX GPS HD][]似乎不錯)
- 東京旅遊的相關電子書
- Skype (已購買點數)
- [WordPress for iPad][] (更新部落格用的AutoMattic官方軟體)
- 支援Markdown語法的編輯器,看了幾套但似乎都不太理想,條件如下:
- 要支援雲端儲存 (例如能同步文章到Dropbox)
- 必須支援TextExpander Touch,以能快速輸入、;常用詞彙
- 圖片處理軟體 (已購買Photogene,希望足敷使用)
This is the first level of quoting.
This is nested blockquote.
Back to the first level.
single asterisks
single underscores
double asterisks
double underscores
That's some text with a footnote.1
- <td> <%= post.content %> </td>
+ <td> <%= simple_format(post.content) %> </td>
function test() {
console.log("notice the blank line before this function?");
{% blockquote Author Name %} Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. {% endblockquote %}
{% blockquote Author Name https://example.com/quotation/source/link %} Over the past 24 hours I've been reflecting on my life & I've realized only one thing. I need a medieval battle axe. {% endblockquote %}
And that's the footnote. ↩