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Releases: seung-lab/BigArrays.jl

used in zebrafish dataset processing and analysis

29 Jan 17:36
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upgrade version for registration


27 Aug 01:22
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v1.3.0 (2019-08-26)

Diff since v0.8.0

Merged pull requests:

add Info data structure to better manipulate the configuration

19 Dec 06:05
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to run benchmark, we need to manipulate the parameters, so we add a new Infos module to represent the configuration and easy manipulation.

this release was done before a major change.
I'll change the Key-value Store to pointing to the layer path rather than the specific mip level. the design was inspired by cloud-volume. This design will allow more advanced features in the future. The future change will break some code, so this is the last backward compatible release.

first release for Julia 1.0/0.7

27 Sep 22:09
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upgraded to Julia 1.0

smarter compression

03 Jan 04:10
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automatically decompress data using gzip magic number.

release for Julia 0.6

28 Nov 15:45
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  • parsing info here rather than in backends.

remove some Base functions to avoid `type piracy`

05 Sep 21:36
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asynchronized IO based on Julia 0.5.2

15 Aug 16:20
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  • use channel to control number of concurrent requests
  • still have a memory leak issue in getindex function.

support key-value backends

03 Mar 20:42
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version based on Julia 0.5


once an Associate type was defined and values were retrievable using Dict indexing, it could be used as a backend of BigArray. So it is highly extensible.

current backends include:

  • google cloud storage
  • aws s3


It was used for pinky40 dataset processing as a big test.



the speed is pretty slow due to single processing reading, should be extensible using multiple threads in the future. Current Julia do not support threading iteration of tuples!

compatibility of neuroglancer

current binary chunks were compressed using blosclz, and config file is config.json while neuroglancer uses a json file called info. The basic idea is the same, but implementation is different, so should be strait forward to modify for compatibility of neuroglancer.

Julia 0.5 version used in production for zebra fish

02 Jan 01:52
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Merge pull request #7 from seung-lab/dev

Julia 0.5 version used in production for zebra fish