What's Changed
- Create LICENSE.md by @seths10 in #1
- Update quotes.js by @sshikhar09 in #4
- Resolve #2 - Added 10 quotes by @Irjean in #5
- Added 10 new quotes by @temiloluwa-js in #3
- added three positive quotes from inspiring people. Happy Hacktoberfest by @bruceyboy86 in #7
- Update quotes.js by @DenseOriginal in #8
- added some quotes by @adityamuzumdar in #11
- Add Bruce Lee Quote by @git12121 in #17
- added new quotes by @coder-oj in #15
- Added some quotes by @madfarizki in #9
- Added new quotes by @scrodenbug in #12
- added support for dockerizing the project by @rakeshseal0 in #14
- Add copy to clipboard button - Issue 18 by @NeilAn99 in #21
- add new quote by @abhirimal in #27
- Feat: Added new quote by @allesklardy in #26
- added new quote by @parthn2 in #24
- add a quote to the list by @viperva in #23
- Added quotes of APJ Abdul Kalam by @Pragati-64 in #16
- Added some quotes. by @Vivek6290 in #22
- added more 30 quotes by @UtkarshShah0 in #25
- quote added by @AnanyaM007 in #29
- added few quotes by @Princerey in #28
- Added few more quotes by @SreeHaran in #32
- Added a new quote. by @VeronicaWDev in #34
- minor change in readme.md by @bagariaraj23 in #31
- Update quotes.js | quote: Emil Cioran by @barvin04 in #36
- added quotes by @kennydop in #41
- Added a new quote in quotes.js by @viciousButterfly in #40
- Update quotes.js by @prasha23 in #37
- added light mode feature and little responsiveness too by @xOluwaseyi in #39
- fix overflow text outside main [quote l:1378] by @Robert-Capra in #42
- added feature to show content copied to clipboard by @varun7singh in #38
- Added ten more quotes by @EvaMatz in #30
- More quotes by @amanda-mcmullin in #44
- added responsiveness to website by @shivamsisodia07 in #43
- add more philosophy quotes by @Francesca-Belfiore in #45
- Addition of new quotes by Aditya by @adityaacse in #46
- Added new quotes of Chadwick Boseman by @code4Y in #52
- added a new quote by @aniketpathak028 in #55
- added 6 quotes by @Nithesh12 in #54
- Add Sartre quotes by @epalermo92 in #53
- Update quotes.js for adding new quote by @HeYPoonam in #51
- add quote by Franz Kafka by @akshat-rawat in #50
- Added new quote by @shyampan in #49
- Added new quotes to quotes.js by @Willendes in #47
- Added new quote by @HeYPoonam in #58
- added some historic quotes by @robin6717 in #59
- Kanye West quotes by @Piratepie in #61
- Add monkey d. luffy quote by @castanedadev-edu in #60
- Add quote by @Vietvu00 in #48
- Update quotes.js by @priyanshu10118 in #70
- added two quotes from Michael Scott and Andy B. by @ajit2523 in #68
- Added new code by @Rish123-abh in #67
- added a new quote by @robxnsingh in #66
- add a new quote by @pathaniket in #65
- add a new Quote by @pathaniket in #64
- add new quote by @aniketpathak028 in #63
- New Quotes added by @Prakhar1106 in #62
- Add quotes by @hemanthraj2001 in #71
- Adding a quote by @MundaneMelon in #74
- Added download quote as image feature by @burhanharoon in #72
- Added quotes by A. P. J. Abdul Kalam by @ummeq in #80
- added some more quotes by @adityamuzumdar in #79
- Added a new quote to quotes.js by @Khedkar-Vaishnavi in #78
- add Anne Frank quote by @Danilo-Mannucci in #77
- Update quotes.js by @VENNELA2132 in #76
- Update quotes.js by @priyanshu10118 in #75
- Update quotes.js by @sultanrif in #91
- Add Augustine Og Mandino quote by @git12121 in #111
- Updated quotes.js by @sultanrif in #118
- Added new quote by Oscar Wilde by @MoinCR7 in #117
- added Audrey Hepburn quote by @KristenHarman in #116
- new quote added by @Such-13 in #114
- Add Robert Louis Stevenson and Rosa Parks quotes by @git12121 in #110
- Added new quotes of Robert Downey Jr. by @code4Y in #113
- New quotes by @tanitoluwam in #84
- added 10 new quotes by @tanitoluwam in #83
- Update quotes.js by @geepy123456790123 in #109
- Hacktober fest by @Rish123-abh in #108
- Update quotes.js by @geepy123456790123 in #107
- Update quotes.js by @geepy123456790123 in #106
- Update quotes.js by @TrlRizu in #105
- add quote by @benjames19 in #81
- Adding new quotes and removing a duplicate by @rohanprichard in #104
- Update quotes.js by @geepy123456790123 in #103
- I have added a Quote by @NupurChavan in #101
- added 10 quotes, no duplicates by @Wraytheon in #95
- added quotes + fixed error by @lishakothari in #120
- Added Swami Vivekananda quotes by @SubhadeepZilong in #100
- Add quotes in file by @soniya2008 in #99
- Add quotes in file by @soniya2008 in #98
- added authors for 4 quotes and deleted their duplicates by @Wraytheon in #96
- Quote by @benjames19 in #82
- Update quotes.js by @sultanrif in #90
- Wierd quotes by @tanitoluwam in #85
- Added some quotes of Swami Vivekananda by @Soumyadip-Roy in #92
- Finance quotes by @tanitoluwam in #87
- Added copied to clipboard notification popup by @Aravind22 in #115
- Updated quotes.js by @rajksd01 in #121
- Fix - inconsistency curly braces on quotes.js by @JorgeRodz in #127
- Update quotes.js by @saksham08jain in #129
- Update quotes.js by @priyanshu10118 in #130
- added more quotes🥳 by @PakaVishwaTeja in #128
- New quote added by @sultanrif in #126
- Update quotes.js by @PrajwolGautam56 in #124
- Update quotes.js by @ekrajghimire in #122
- Added text and author for new quote. by @laurasimsdev in #123
- Edison by @bookish in #135
- Update README.md by @errorline99 in #137
- Added Quote by @SnehaNarendran01071998 in #136
- add Ryan Holiday quotes by @bookish in #134
- Adding a new quote by @kazoni in #133
- Added a few quotes in the quotes.js file by @amanycodes in #152
- Corrections in README.md by @denvitko in #140
- Added Quotes by @ekrajghimire127 in #170
- Update quotes.js by @Sulabhbashyal in #169
- Update quotes.js by @SubashMandal7 in #166
- add success and motivational quotes by @Wasiq08 in #167
- #2 New Quotes by @Gourav1000 in #165
- feat: add husky, eslint and commitizen by @ishita1805 in #168
- Update quotes.js by @Satyapriya2000 in #164
- Update quotes.js by @Satyapriya2000 in #163
- Update quotes.js by @Satyapriya2000 in #162
- Update quotes.js by @Satyapriya2000 in #161
- Update quotes.js by @varshini901 in #160
- Update quotes.js by @siyaa12 in #159
- added icon and button spacing by @Victory-ET in #158
- Update quotes.js by @nyrkln in #157
- added 2 quotes. by @bismuth42 in #156
- Added quotes in quotes.js by @BhargavM123 in #154
- Added sadhguru's quotes by @Zenith-Mind in #153
- i added one qoute by @kritika902 in #151
- Update quotes.js by @Dcerverizzo in #150
- Add new quotes 7 by @Prajwalrayal in #149
- Clean up quotes.js and add quote by @Triple1996 in #148
- Added more quotes by @EvaMatz in #147
- Added a Quote of Naval Ravikant by @Vishal2002 in #146
- Changes Done on CSS by @Vishal2002 in #145
- Add new quote from Mother Teresa by @dkhmelenko in #143
- Remove 5 duplicates of Gandhi quote by @dkhmelenko in #142
- add Proust and Kierkegaard by @bookish in #141
- i made the changes to told me to by @errorline99 in #139
- added quotes in #172
- structure in #173
- Update quotes.js by @Sachin-Maxwell in #171
- removed bad quotes in #175
- removed kanye quotes in #174
- syntax-fix by @02-t in #176
- fix: changed null in the authors section of quotes.js to anonymous an… by @ckim77 in #180
- Update README.md by @ptnoire in #179
- added author to quote 'From small beginnings come great things.' by @aryan10293 in #178
New Contributors
- @sshikhar09 made their first contribution in #4
- @Irjean made their first contribution in #5
- @temiloluwa-js made their first contribution in #3
- @bruceyboy86 made their first contribution in #7
- @DenseOriginal made their first contribution in #8
- @adityamuzumdar made their first contribution in #11
- @git12121 made their first contribution in #17
- @coder-oj made their first contribution in #15
- @madfarizki made their first contribution in #9
- @scrodenbug made their first contribution in #12
- @rakeshseal0 made their first contribution in #14
- @NeilAn99 made their first contribution in #21
- @abhirimal made their first contribution in #27
- @allesklardy made their first contribution in #26
- @parthn2 made their first contribution in #24
- @viperva made their first contribution in #23
- @Pragati-64 made their first contribution in #16
- @Vivek6290 made their first contribution in #22
- @UtkarshShah0 made their first contribution in #25
- @AnanyaM007 made their first contribution in #29
- @Princerey made their first contribution in #28
- @SreeHaran made their first contribution in #32
- @VeronicaWDev made their first contribution in #34
- @bagariaraj23 made their first contribution in #31
- @barvin04 made their first contribution in #36
- @kennydop made their first contribution in #41
- @viciousButterfly made their first contribution in #40
- @prasha23 made their first contribution in #37
- @xOluwaseyi made their first contribution in #39
- @Robert-Capra made their first contribution in #42
- @varun7singh made their first contribution in #38
- @EvaMatz made their first contribution in #30
- @amanda-mcmullin made their first contribution in #44
- @shivamsisodia07 made their first contribution in #43
- @Francesca-Belfiore made their first contribution in #45
- @adityaacse made their first contribution in #46
- @code4Y made their first contribution in #52
- @aniketpathak028 made their first contribution in #55
- @Nithesh12 made their first contribution in #54
- @epalermo92 made their first contribution in #53
- @HeYPoonam made their first contribution in #51
- @akshat-rawat made their first contribution in #50
- @shyampan made their first contribution in #49
- @Willendes made their first contribution in #47
- @robin6717 made their first contribution in #59
- @Piratepie made their first contribution in #61
- @castanedadev-edu made their first contribution in #60
- @Vietvu00 made their first contribution in #48
- @priyanshu10118 made their first contribution in #70
- @ajit2523 made their first contribution in #68
- @Rish123-abh made their first contribution in #67
- @robxnsingh made their first contribution in #66
- @pathaniket made their first contribution in #65
- @Prakhar1106 made their first contribution in #62
- @hemanthraj2001 made their first contribution in #71
- @MundaneMelon made their first contribution in #74
- @burhanharoon made their first contribution in #72
- @ummeq made their first contribution in #80
- @Khedkar-Vaishnavi made their first contribution in #78
- @Danilo-Mannucci made their first contribution in #77
- @VENNELA2132 made their first contribution in #76
- @sultanrif made their first contribution in #91
- @MoinCR7 made their first contribution in #117
- @KristenHarman made their first contribution in #116
- @Such-13 made their first contribution in #114
- @tanitoluwam made their first contribution in #84
- @geepy123456790123 made their first contribution in #109
- @TrlRizu made their first contribution in #105
- @benjames19 made their first contribution in #81
- @rohanprichard made their first contribution in #104
- @NupurChavan made their first contribution in #101
- @Wraytheon made their first contribution in #95
- @lishakothari made their first contribution in #120
- @SubhadeepZilong made their first contribution in #100
- @soniya2008 made their first contribution in #99
- @Soumyadip-Roy made their first contribution in #92
- @Aravind22 made their first contribution in #115
- @rajksd01 made their first contribution in #121
- @JorgeRodz made their first contribution in #127
- @saksham08jain made their first contribution in #129
- @PakaVishwaTeja made their first contribution in #128
- @PrajwolGautam56 made their first contribution in #124
- @ekrajghimire made their first contribution in #122
- @laurasimsdev made their first contribution in #123
- @bookish made their first contribution in #135
- @errorline99 made their first contribution in #137
- @SnehaNarendran01071998 made their first contribution in #136
- @kazoni made their first contribution in #133
- @amanycodes made their first contribution in #152
- @denvitko made their first contribution in #140
- @ekrajghimire127 made their first contribution in #170
- @Sulabhbashyal made their first contribution in #169
- @SubashMandal7 made their first contribution in #166
- @Wasiq08 made their first contribution in #167
- @Gourav1000 made their first contribution in #165
- @ishita1805 made their first contribution in #168
- @Satyapriya2000 made their first contribution in #164
- @varshini901 made their first contribution in #160
- @siyaa12 made their first contribution in #159
- @Victory-ET made their first contribution in #158
- @nyrkln made their first contribution in #157
- @bismuth42 made their first contribution in #156
- @BhargavM123 made their first contribution in #154
- @Zenith-Mind made their first contribution in #153
- @kritika902 made their first contribution in #151
- @Dcerverizzo made their first contribution in #150
- @Prajwalrayal made their first contribution in #149
- @Triple1996 made their first contribution in #148
- @Vishal2002 made their first contribution in #146
- @dkhmelenko made their first contribution in #143
- @Sachin-Maxwell made their first contribution in #171
- @02-t made their first contribution in #176
- @ckim77 made their first contribution in #180
- @ptnoire made their first contribution in #179
- @aryan10293 made their first contribution in #178
Full Changelog: https://github.com/seths10/Quotes-Generator/commits/production