This shell script is able to download music from It should work with OS X, any Linux OS.
- Unix like OS with a proper shell
- Tools we use :
- You will need
- The installer install all the required tools except for Mac Os X.
- Download this
- Unzip
- You can use the auto installer :
(Support Debian/arch) - Type
scdl {URL} {OPTION}
- MORE : For help type
scdl -h
orscdl -help
##OPTIONS available
used with an user's page will download only the user's repost. It will be ignored otherwise.
- Easy Installer
- Autodetect wich kind of Soundcloud's link it is
- Download all song of an user's page
- Download all repost of an user's page
- Download all song of a song page
- Download all song of an user's playlist page
- Download all song of an user's list of playlist page
- Download all song of a group page
- Download all song of an user's liked song
- Set tags with eyeD3 (skip the tag if eyeD3 is not installed)
- The script stop when he see one song that is already downloaded
- You can use it as a sync script as i do with my Raspberry PI, each night it launch the script with my soudncloud and if new song has been reposted it download it and stop when it encounter a song that has already been downloaded.
Changelogs of the latest update : Here
GPL v2, orignal author Luka Pusic