Mutually Assured Compassion
A munificence and benevolence oriented ethical stance for counterbalancing grave misfortunes impacting human ecology as a whole.
During the years Oct-2007 to Jul-2009 I worked as a graduate research assistant at the Cognitive Systems Laboratory (CSL) for my masters of industrial engineering degree at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA. One of my main tasks as a graduate student was to conduct Cognitive Work Analysis of military personnel who were engaged in battle fields of Afghanistan and Iraq during early and mid 2000s. The analysis was conducted to help resolve human factors issues within the battle theatre involving complex automation. This icluded drones in every domain and the use of machine-to-machine autonomous communications during active combats without human supervision. The main and most prevalent issue at the time due to such unsupervised autonomous agents was the death toll from "friendly fire" which was mainly attributable to missmanged munitions deployment from said autonomous drone systems. As the drone platforms were networked over land, air, outer space and sea the overall complex system was practically "ethereal". Due to this complexity and virtual indemnity, no form of individual authority or responsibility towards human safety could be ascribed to any particular unit of machinery or human beings comprising the overall system. The human components were (and are still) typically designated as employees or contractors and subcontractors in the form of manufacturers, distributors, vendors, managers, researchers, programmers and real-time controllers i.e. users of these massive drone fleets. Even to this day, the civilian and military individuals killed or injured as a result of mistakes, slips and violations in lieu of poorly conceived or blatantly absent safety and security protocols in the use of drone technologies has gone largely unchecked.
From my perspective, the indiscriminate use of automation and "anonymous functions" to further the acts of massacres against innocent bystanders has rapidly escalated during these times of cyberwarfare with the use of biological and digital viruses under the guise of "covid infection tracking" apps. The current scenario involving n-CoV was actually predictable in the mid 2000s when I was doing my job of writing war game scenarios for training personnels which included various draft and final deliverables for the following purposes:
- Write-ups of fact based science fiction scenarios with a "ten year horizon, future based outlook" depicting
- The human factors and ergonomics issues that could arise as a result of rapid technological changes and adoption of advanced automation by allied as well as enemy units (commercial, industrial and military)
- Potential solutions for such conceivable issues or problems that could reasonably impact global and national security
- Bill of materials with research and development process plans for the solutions that could invariably take 3 to 5 years to implement due to their "cutting edge" nature
- Prototyping these advanced solutions aimed at predictable, futuristic global and national scenarios for
- Attracting funding for "blue sky projects"
- Staying ahead of competing laboratories in other universities for grant approvals as well as improving chances of being the first to publish a novel idea or prototype in peer reviewed journals
- Demonstrating feasibility of the proposed solutions while making a cogent argument for the imminent national security or global security threat
- Intercepting the market within the ten year funding cycles of various funding silos (going where the puck will be rather than where it is!)
- Helping soldiers stay sharp via war games and joint training missions
- Making the world a better place (the saddest and most naive of purpose in the history of purposes!)
My easier job at CSL was to quickly churn out a 1000 to 3000 word scenario per week. In doing this, the more arduous chore was to research existing science and technology that could be cited as reference for the forecasted threats along with their potential solutions. The research work was more forensic in nature than science fictions writing. At the time, I was happy to be paid the highest a graduate student could be paid in all of Big Ten Universities to bring a futuristic vision into reality. So I worked tirelessly and partied the usual way that Iowans do. The usual amount of University of Iowa partying is about 10 times greater than that of any private US college with all the imaginable and legally-under-the-radar debauchery.
While my conscience and health degraded during those years due to the prevalent culture of incessant hard work coupled with partying harder I did actually produce a dozen scenarios that were my "masterpiece." I submitted them to my supervisor but reserved one which I sold to a military private contractor I had come across through my work back in 2008. The bait dangled before me was a chance to work at Northrop Grumman or Rockwell if I could deliver the most cutting edge and compelling scenarios. By the time I got the interview with Rockwell the company had laid of 700 staff and engineers due to "economic recession" of 2010. The companies like Caterpillar, John Dere, Boing, etc. were laying off thousands of seasoned workers at the time while gobbling up fresh recruits who were labeled as "desperate, insecure, over-achievers" by the HR reps.
Of the dozen "dirty scenarios" I had researched few were simple, like, use of rental vehicles to ram pedestrians or use of commercial drones to disperse biochem agents around sports arenas. Most of these were unoriginal ideas extrapolated from movies and comic books with compelling evidence from few news reports but the most complex and truly original idea was based on my research of the 1950s waywardly doctrine called Mutually Assured Destruction:
A relatively inert tracer molecule is injected into the body of a person who acts as the bull's eye or a dot for a supersonic ICBM. The inert molecule is designed as an organic compound attached to protein molecules in the bone marrow that can be "recycled" by the lymphatic system and constantly reattached to blood serum to almost nullify its excretion. A similar molecule attached to lipids can potentially end up getting metabolized and excreted unless the person maintains a sedentary lifestyle. For redundancy, use both methods of creating a walking-talking-dot. The person then goes about carrying an ordinary life within the target geographic location. To improve chances of having sufficiently many missiles reach the target, tactically disperse sufficiently many dots within the geographic region behind enemy lines. Even if the person i.e. the dot perishes, their buried or cremated remains host the tracer isotope within the cyst like organic molecule. If the person leaves the target geography, their last known location within "the non-friendly region" detected by remote sensing satellites acts as the dot.
Why go to such trouble and not simply use an absolute coordinate inputted before or during the launch of an ICBM? To merely create a somewhat re-encrypted target coordinate that can be sufficiently uncertain to any counter measure or defense system. And to prevent the person from willfully defecting, inject such a tracer into the person covertly, without their knowledge of having being turned into the bull's eye for a missle.
The solution to such a weaponized walking-talking-dot is to use charged particle beams from medical equipment to neutralize the tracer molecules in the dot's bloodstream and tissues under the pretext of (genuinely or not) curing a tumor within the person. The person is to be found through healthcare systems providing routine medical checkups. Or use a neutron beam from a particle accelerator to penetrate through the earth and nullify the dot or alternatively the circuitry of a stationary or launched missile. The later idea requires excessive computational resources to calculate the quantum location of the moving dot or the unlaunched missile that may be moving around on a submarine. Targeting a launched supersonic missile with a neutron beam is a very challenging act.
In preparing the solution to this menacing scenario, sadly, very sadly, the use of such particle beams within itself became a secret weapon to cause untoward events or accidents within biological and electromechanical circuits used by "developed" countries against subordinate ones. Such a particle beam, invisible to the naked eye and to most radio telemetry cannot be traced via common logic, common law and common forensic analysis. Even more annoyingly and saddeningly, the uncommon logic needed to deal with such an issue has been and continues to be dismissed as science fiction or paranoid conspiracy theory.
Whatever might have been the motives or reasons of people who fashioned such MAD weapons or even their seemingly fictitious scenarios, the worst and most inconvenient truth is that many countries dispersed such human and humanoid vectors, carriers, bread crumbs, cookies or dots in opposing states leading to a world full of gaping holes in every security system. However, these unsuspecting and unwitting dots mostly gravitated to North America lured to the United States or to Canada by the heavily ginned up false promises of "a bold new world containing freedoms for humane existence in peace." Ironic, isn't it?
At this point, my recommendation to anyone comprehending this is for all of us with any remaining capacity for labour to work on the topic of:
- survival of the fittest morality and ethics for all
- golden handshake for all
- zero carbon waste for all
- equitable health and education for all
- all in all, all for all
And I say that working on such topics is much more viable and worthy than the frenzied efforts by various hyper-exploitative conglomerates aimed at launching a humanoid settlement (an Elysium) on the-dark-side-of-the-moon to protect themselves against:
- cosmic radiation and solar radiation burning through the ozone holes
- biological and digital super viruses
- nuclear, chemical and cluster munitions proliferations
- concealed small arms
- non-concealed automatic rifles
- generic humanoid stupidity (insert picture of Elon Musk wearing MAGA cap eating cheetos and chugging coca-cola}
By the way, solutions to countering weaponized cars or trucks or miniature drones starts with training a high-speed detector system, like the ones used in tennis or baseball for tracking the ball, to track the "weaponized vector" via simplistic fourier-fast-transforms. Then run the system at femto or picosecond precision to counter the abstract vehicle that runs at micro or milli second intervals. Most vehicles are slow enough to be impacted in the second level, linear time interval.
While the following little tidbits of wikipedia knowledge can furnish the plausibility of ultimate MAD scenarios the first few listed articles about beneficial energy production and medical use of seemingly devastating science and technology is juxtaposed with its actual devastating uses. So, I propose the idea that only true, munificent, Mutually Assured Compassion can counteract such a MAD (or)deal.
And here is a large grain of salt to be taken upon comprehending the message within this simple précis of my yester years:
With best regards, Psyedout
ps: FFT for cybernetics:
- Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky, - "Fourier Transform, Fourier Series, and frequency spectrum" -
- 3Brown1Blue,
- "But what is the Fourier Transform? A visual introduction" -
- "But what is a Fourier series? From heat flow to circle drawings | DE4" -
- "Pure Fourier series animation montage -
- "Why do prime numbers make these spirals?" -
- Mike Specian,
- "Signal Eigenmode FFT Visualization (R8)" -
- "Dissecting Hypercubes with Pascal's Triangle | Infinite Series" -
To err is to human. To humanoid is to, Be perfectly out-of-order. To verb words, is to English.