This server was built to support the Huntdora Jobsearch frontend.
It implements a mongo db to store user's saved jobs, and Auth0 to protect such routes. Furthermore it acts as a proxy for the API.
I chose to use a mongoDB to enable me to store JSON data received from the ReedAPI directly with little structuring.
Auth0 stores user data and tokens, such that
- There is stronger security in that no passwords or personal data are stored in the frontend or backend
- It enables the use of social logins (atm just google), which can be expanded in the future.
To run it locally, you'll need to setup an Auth0 Account, and get a developer API key that will enable you to connect the frontend with the backend. Clone/download the repo: From the root folder
npm install
npm start
In the .env file you'll need the following environment variables. You'll also need the Huntdora Frontend, with the corresponding environment variables.
DB_URL=(you mongo db string)
API_KEY=( api key)
CLIENT_ORIGIN_URL=(follow instructions on auth0 to setup)
AUTH0_AUDIENCE=(follow instructions on auth0 to setup)
AUTH0_DOMAIN=(follow instructions on auth0 to setup)
Checkout Github issues to see what needs work