Object Oriented Programming project - Rental Store
Create a rental store project in any oriented programming language.
The store has clients and products.
Clients have id number, name, address, phone and debt.
They are able to rent any product in the store.
Products a name and the quantity.
If the client din't give the product back, a fine will placed to the client.
To control clients rents, Register will have the client id and product id.
To salve all the classes and register, Database will take care of it.
All classes Client, Product and Register are considered entities and don't have methods to manage the rental store. To do that, they have controllers classes.
To see how the entities and controllers work, there notebooks for them.
NOTE: Register notebook calls all the others classes, so you can see all in register notebook.
- Database table and table colletion
- Client class, controller and notebook
- Product class, controller and notebook
- Register class, controller and notebook