This repository describes step-by-step instructions to demonstrate the various features of Semantic Containers.
General Semantic Container Usage
Topics: Accessing online container - Running your own container - Writing data -
Developing Semantic Containers
Topics: Cloning Template - Extending functionality - Testing and deploying container -
Accessing Semantic Containers in Jupyter Notebook
Topics: Example Jupyter notebook -
Semantic Container with SPARQL Endpoint
Topics: Configuring and running a container with SPARQL endpoint - Working with RDF data
Download all files from the tutorial to your local computer so that you have relevant files available:
git clone
Please also make sure you have recent versions of the following tools installed:
- curl - a command-line tool for getting or sending data including files using URL syntax (
- jq - a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor (
Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions regarding this tutorial using the email semcon (at)