The Purpose of This library is to use the module in the most easy way and transparent.
Website: Sim800L library
Original version by: [Cristian Steib] (
Go to arduino IDE Sketch >> Import Library >> add library... Select the folder Sim800L-revised
Place the Sim800L library folder your ArduinoSketchFolder/libraries/ folder. You may need to create the libraries subfolder if its your first library. Restart the IDE.
Arduino Uno | Sim800L | Notes |
+5v | (3.8v)~(4.4v)! | Power supply input |
10 RX_PIN | TX | |
11 TX_PIN | RX | |
2 RESET_PIN | RST | Reset Pin |
- If it returns true there is an error
Name | Return | Notes |
begin() | None | Initialize the library |
begin(number) | None | Initialize the library with user's baud rate |
reset() | None | Reset the module, and wait to Sms Ready. |
setSleepMode(bool) | bool | enable or disable sleep mode * |
getSleepMode() | bool | return sleep mode status * |
setFunctionalityMode(number) | bool | set functionality mode * |
getFunctionalityMode() | bool | return functionality mode status * |
setPIN(String) | bool | enable user to set a pin code * |
getProductInfo() | String | return product identification information |
getOperatorsList() | String | return the list of operators |
getOperator() | String | return the currently selected operator |
calculateLocation() | bool | calculate gsm position * |
getLocationCode() | String | return the location code |
getLongitude() | String | return longitude |
getLatitude() | String | return latitude |
sendSms(number,text) | bool | both parameters must be Strings. * |
readSms(index) | String | index is the position of the sms in the prefered memory storage |
getNumberSms(index) | String | returns the number of the sms. |
delAllSms() | bool | Delete all sms * |
signalQuality() | String | return info about signal quality |
answerCall() | bool | * |
callNumber(number) | None | |
hangoffCall() | bool | * |
getCallStatus() | uint8_t | Return the call status, 0=ready,2=Unknown(),3=Ringing,4=Call in progress |
setPhoneFunctionality() | None | Set at to full functionality |
activateBearerProfile() | None | |
deactivateBearerProfile() | None | |
RTCtime(int *day,int *month, int *year,int *hour,int *minute, int *second) | None | Parameters must be reference ex: &day |
dateNet() | String | Return date time GSM |
updateRtc(utc) | bool | Return if the rtc was update with date time GSM. |