Part of the SPA 2015 Distributed Databases session. This is a single node of a diy distributed database. It's a RESTful API server that wraps up a simple integer to string map.
Executables have been pre-built for most platforms. You can find them on the downloads page. From this page find the distribution relevant to you, follow it's link, and then click on GitHub "Raw" button to download. Then unzip to get the executable.
Call the program passing it a free local PORT.
diy-dist-db-node <PORT>
Add things to the map with HTTP POST. For example:
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"Id": 3, "Value": "foo"}' \
To query for a particular thing in the map use an HTTP GET request with the thing's id number.
curl -i http://localhost:<PORT>/things/3
To list everything in the map, use a single HTTP GET request.
curl -i http://localhost:<PORT>/things