This example illustrates basic search features of Searchly.
Sample application is using Jest Java Elasticsearch client to integrate with Searchly.
To create initial index and sample data click "Create Articles" (2 sample articles will be created.)
To test search; enter "epic", "Drizzt" or "*" to search box at top right and hit enter.
Change value of "connectionUrl" to "http://localhost:9200" (Local Elasticsearch) at
Type below maven command to run example in your local environment;
mvn jetty:run
This sample can be deployed to Heroku with no change.
Install SearchBox ElasticSearch Addon
Deploy sample application and experience real time search.
This sample uses CloudFoundry maven plugin for deployment.
Install Searchly Service
Edit CloudFoundry specific settings at pom.xml at cf-maven-plugin
Execute below maven command to push CloudFoundry
mvn cf:push
This command requires your CloudFoundry credentials. You can set them at Maven settings.xml or pass to push like;
mvn cf:push -Dcf.username=abc@abc.c -Dcf.password=123456