This is the source-code to ThisWay´s-Website.
Just go into the project folder and enter
npm install
This takes some minutes, because of some node dependencies.
To run the app in development mode, just enter
npm run dev
and for production mode
npm start
The page can by found under localhost:8080
If the port is not free, just change it in the config file under condig.port
- server-side rendering
- image-proccessing with optimizations
- aws cloud uploads
- reactive frontend
- life reload
- sass compilation
- gzip compression
- uglify
- minify
By default, no user is an admin
To enter the admin-panel, just enter:
- email: admin@admin.admin
- Password: Hi123456
at Login Page as credentials
You can find then the Link inside the navigation
You can test queries at GraphQL UI, or locally at localhost:8080/graphql
ThisWay uses MongoDB as default Database. It can be found under MLAB
- Username: SAE
- Password: Hi123456