Minor mode for emacs to run gradle from emacs and not have to go to a terminal!
Available on MELPA:
M-x package-install gradle-mode
Or you can just dump gradle-mode.el
in your load path somewhere.
After installation, you can configure this mode to always be on with:
(require 'gradle-mode)
(gradle-mode 1)
Or just
M-x gradle-mode
when you are ready to use it.
C-c C-g b
- run
gradle build
- run
C-c C-g t
- run
gradle test
- run
C-c C-g s
- run
gradle test -Dsingle.test="user-supplied"
- User supplies test to run from prompt
- run
C-c C-g C-d b
- run
gradle build --daemon
- run
C-c C-g C-d t
- run
gradle test --daemon
- run
C-c C-g C-d s
- run
gradle -Dsingle.test="user-supplied" --daemon
- User supplies test to run from prompt
- run
C-c C-g d
- run
gradle "user-supplied" --daemon
- User supplies tasks to run from prompt
- run
C-c C-g r
- run
gradle "user-supplied"
- User supplies tasks to run from prompt
- run
The prefix C-d
runs the command with gradle's daemon, or creates one
if it is not already present.
Currently, the only versions of emacs that are passing are 24.3. I plan on trying to look into it more, but both Travis and drone are barfing when I try and run the tests with <24.3.
If you want to contribute, please fork and submit a pull request!
- gradlew support added. Will find nearest gradlew file and run if
is turned on
- CI is breaking from 0.5.4, only version of Emacs that tests execute appropriately is 24.3
- losing dependencies on
instead off-traverse-upwards
- mode lighter string changed from gra to Gradle
- First Release