Welcome to the complete Data Structure package. DSTRUCTS are a set of data structures in the following languages.
- C
- C++
- Go
- Java
- JavaScript
- Python
- Ruby
- Rust
- TypeScript
Given that there are numerous data structures there will be quite a bit of code located in this package. I wish I had to time to get them all but I will focus mostly on the common data structures. To aid the organization of this I group the data structures into sections.
- Lists
- Array List
- Linked List
- Stacks (Implemented via Array List and Linked List)
- Queues (Implemented via Array List and Linked List)
- Trees
- AVL Tree
- Binary Search Tree
- Binary Tree
- B-Trees
- Heap
- Binary Heap
- Binomial Heal
- Merkle Tree
- Hashes
- Hash Table
- Hash Tree
- Bloom Filter
- Graphs
- Graph
- Adjacency List
- Directed Graph
- Sorting
- Simple Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort
- Heap Sort
- Quick Sort
- Shell Sort
- Bubble Sort
- Comb Sort
- Counting Sort
- Bucket Sort
- Radix Sort
- Searching
- Linear Search
- Binary Search
- Jump Search
- Interpolation Search
- Exponential Search
- Lasso Search (My invention!!)
I am an engineer NOT A COMPUTER A SCIENTIST so I tend to have programming habits that drive Computer Scientists crazy. I have been trying over the years to heed their advise and warnings and improve the way I code but I know I am not there completely. So with that being said, I absolutely appreciate criticism and advice on how to program better.