Submitting a Spark application to the Spark cluster using the project workspace in the Spark Data Streaming Udacity Course:
$ $SPARK_HOME/sbin/
After you type this command, you will see something similar to the following output:
Starting Spark master at spark://67e5ccbadadd:7077
$ git clone
$ SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit /home/workspace/sparkpyclustertest/ | tee /home/workspace/sparkpyclustertest/logs/sparkpytest.log
You should see a lot of console output, including a line similar to the following:
20/08/17 09:41:58 INFO DAGScheduler: Job 1 finished: count at, took 0.059077 s Lines with a: 4, lines with b: 0
This means the application finished running, and has produced the desired output
Want to get this running locally? Try running a Spark cluster, and submitting a Spark application to the cluster using Docker: