This application was developed for the ESE course at the University of Bern in 2018.
Documentation and further textual information can be found in our project wiki and in the README file for the frontend and backend.
Our Project is currently running on Heroku. There you can also find the frontend documentation and backend documentation.
Ensure that you have Node.js, NPM and Git installed, then you can run the script. For further runs you can use the script.
The frontend should open automatically, else you can find it under localhost:4200.
The backend runs at localhost:3000, but it should't be necessary to look at this.
The system uses a SQLite Database.
We use a number of different technologies. Some of them are:
- Typescript: Everything is written in Typescript
- Angular 6: The frontend is build with Angular
- Angular Material: The design is heavily based on Angular Material
- Moment.js: All the time/date stuff is managed with Moment
- Express: The backend is build with Express
- Express Session: To handle user login cookies we use Express Session
- SQLite: Database for this project
- Sequelize: ORM to connect to the SQLite Database
- Bcrypt: Library to securely hash your password
- Swagger: To present beautiful backend API documentation we use swagger UI
- Compodoc: To present beautiful frontend documentation we use compodoc
- Webstorm or IntelliJ IDEA as the IDE
Angular 6, Angular Material, Moment.js, Express Session, Sequelize, Bcrypt and Compodoc are licensed under the MIT License.
Typescript and Swagger are licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
Express is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
SQLite is in the public domain.
Our application is optimised for use with the Google Chrome web browser.
This work is licensed under the MIT License.