LMVC-Modules are easy-to-use extensions to the 'scandio/lmvc'-framework
Easily create validator classes extending the AbstractForm base class while defining validator-functions and error-messages.
Compiles mustache templates and provides a simple integration into LMVC's views.
Protects resources provided by controllers using custom security principals (e.g. Ldap or Json) as gateways.
Allows easy snippets integration in views for e.g. rendering of prepared Html-components such as tables, checkboxes, etc. Moreover, directories can be registered to load more custom snippets from various sources.
Facilitates asset requesting, concatenation and minification of Javascript, CSS, Sass and Less sources. In addition, easily integrates into lmvc and its views.
Allows for user registration in the application. Currently uses a database but could easily be extended to persist registrations in LDAP or maybe even config.json.
Module simplifying Html-tag generation in views. Abstracts string handling and templating while being a more tailored snippet component.
Module handling uploads of various types. Currently only supports image uploads but will hopefully contain a bigger set of types in the near future.
Module abtracting from php's session handling. It allows getting, setting, merging and replacing its values without actually touching the $_SESSION variable.