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Complete first pass at material on indexed codata
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noelwelsh committed Aug 9, 2024
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Expand Up @@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ lazy val pages = List(
// Part 4: Craft
// Part 5: Case Studies
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2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/bib/scala-with-cats.bib
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Expand Up @@ -424,8 +424,6 @@ @inproceedings{10.1145/2951913.2951929
series = {ICFP 2016}

author = {Thibodeau, David and Cave, Andrew and Pientka, Brigitte},
title = {Indexed codata types},
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124 changes: 104 additions & 20 deletions src/pages/indexed-types/
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Expand Up @@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ It is in this way that indexed codata goes beyond what phantom types alone can d
Implementing these constraints has two parts.
The first is defining types to represent on and off.

Here are the types.

```scala mdoc:reset:silent
trait On
trait Off
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,6 +76,15 @@ SimpleSwitch.on.on

The constraint is made of two parts: using clauses, which we learned about in [@sec:type-classes], and the [`A =:= B`][scala.=:=] construction, which is new. `=:=` represents a type equality. If a given instance `A =:= B` exists, then the type `A` is equal to the type `B`. (Note we can write this with the more familiar prefix notation `=:=[A, B]` if we prefer.) We never create these instances ourselves. Instead the compiler creates them for us. In the `on` method, we are asking the compiler to construct an instance `A =:= Off`, which can only be done if `A` *is* `Off`. This in turn means we can only call the method when the `Switch` is `Off`. This is the core idea of indexed codata: we reflect states as types, and restrict method calls to a subset of states.

This is a different use of contextual abstraction to type classes.
Type classes associate operations with types.
What we're doing here is proving some property of a type with respect to another type.
More precisely we're proving that a type parameter is equal to a particular type.
The given instance only exists when the compiler can prove this is the case.
Hence these given instances are sometimes called **evidence** or **witnesses**.
This different view subsumes type classes,
as we can think of type classes as evidence that a type implements a certain interface.

#### Exercise: Torque {-}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,9 +142,9 @@ final case class Force[Unit](value: Double) {

### API Protocols

An API protocol defines the order in which methods must be called. The protocol in the case of `Switch` is that we can only call `off` after calling `on` and vice versa. This protocol is a simple finite state machine, and illustrated in Figure [@img:indexed-types:switch]. Many common types have similar protocols. For example, files can only be read once they are opened and cannot be read once they have been closed.
An API protocol defines the order in which methods must be called. The protocol in the case of `Switch` is that we can only call `off` after calling `on` and vice versa. This protocol is a simple finite state machine, and illustrated in Figure [@fig:indexed-types:switch]. Many common types have similar protocols. For example, files can only be read once they are opened and cannot be read once they have been closed.

![The switch API protocol](src/pages/indexed-types/switch.pdf) {#img:indexed-types:switch}
![The switch API protocol](src/pages/indexed-types/switch.pdf){#fig:indexed-types:switch}

Indexed codata allows us to enforce API protocols at compile-time. Often these protocols are finite-state machines. We can represent these protocols with a single type parameter that represents the state, as we did with `Switch`. We can also use multiple type parameters if that makes for a more convenient representation.

Expand All @@ -161,10 +168,18 @@ An opening tag is closed by a corresponding closing tag such as `</h1>` for `<h1
There are several rules for valid HTML[^valid-html]. We're going to focus on the following:

1. Within the `html` tag there can only be a `head` and a `body` tag, in that order.
2. Within the `head` tag there must be exactly one `title`, and there can be any other number of allowed tags.
3. Within the `body` there can be any number of allowed tags.
2. Within the `head` tag there must be exactly one `title`, and there can be any other number of allowed tags (of which we're only going to model `link`).
3. Within the `body` there can be any number of allowed tags (of which we are only going to model `h1` and `p`).

We're going to use a Church-encoded representation for HTML, so tags are created by method calls. Figure [@fig:indexed-types:html] shows the finite state machine representation of the API protocol.
I find it easier to read as a regular expression, which we can write down as

\text{head}\ \text{link}^*\ \text{title}\ \text{link}^*\ \text{body}\ (\text{h1}\, |\, \text{p})^*

![The HTML API protocol](src/pages/indexed-types/html.pdf){#fig:indexed-types:html}

We're going to use a Church-encoded representation for HTML.
As the code is fairly repetitive we will just present all the code and then discuss the important parts.
Here's the implementation.

Expand All @@ -179,10 +194,10 @@ trait WithoutTitle extends TitleState
trait WithTitle extends TitleState

final class Html[S <: StructureState, T <: TitleState](
head: List[String],
body: List[String]
head: Vector[String],
body: Vector[String]
) {
// Head tags ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Head tags -------------------------------------------------------------

def head(using S =:= Empty): Html[InHead, WithoutTitle] =
Html(head, body)
Expand All @@ -195,7 +210,7 @@ final class Html[S <: StructureState, T <: TitleState](
def link(rel: String, href: String)(using S =:= InHead): Html[InHead, T] =
Html(head :+ s"<link rel=\"$rel\" href=\"$href\"/>", body)

// Body tags ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Body tags -------------------------------------------------------------

def body(using S =:= InHead, T =:= WithTitle): Html[InBody, WithTitle] =
Html(head, body)
Expand All @@ -206,7 +221,7 @@ final class Html[S <: StructureState, T <: TitleState](
def p(text: String)(using S =:= InBody): Html[InBody, T] =
Html(head, body :+ s"<p>$text</p>")

// Interpreter ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Interpreter -----------------------------------------------------------

override def toString(): String = {
val h = head.mkString(" <head>\n ", "\n ", "\n </head>")
Expand All @@ -216,22 +231,28 @@ final class Html[S <: StructureState, T <: TitleState](
object Html {
val empty: Html[Empty, WithoutTitle] = Html(List.empty, List.empty)
val empty: Html[Empty, WithoutTitle] = Html(Vector.empty, Vector.empty)

The important detail is that we factor the state into two components.
One represents where in the overall structure we are (inside the `head`, inside the `body`, or inside neither).
The other represents whether we have a `title` element or not.
We could certainly represent this with one state type variable, but I find the factored representation easier to deal with.

Here's an example in use.

```scala mdoc
.link("stylesheet", "styles.css")
.title("Our Amazing Webpage")
.h1("Where Amazing Exists")
.p("Right here")

Here's an example of the type system preventing an invalid construction.
Here's an example of the type system preventing an invalid construction, in this case the lack of a title.

```scala mdoc:fail
Expand All @@ -240,15 +261,78 @@ Html.empty.head
.h1("This Shouldn't Work")

(Note that the error messages are not great. We'll address this in Chapter [@sec:usability]).

We can implement more complex protcols, such as those that can be represented by context-free or even context-sensitive grammars, using the same technique.

- We start defining elements that go in the `head` of an HTML document. We'll only allow `title` and `link` elements, for simplicity.
- There must be exactly one `title` element, but there can be zero or more `link` elements.
- Once we start defining `body` elements, we cannot

[^valid-html]: The HTML specification allows for very lenient parsing of HTML. For example, if we don't define the `head` tag it will usually be inferred. However we aren't going to allow that kind of leniency in our API.

We can also implement more complex protcols, such as those that can be represented by context-free grammars, with more work. Let's see an example.

### Beyond Equality Constraints

[^valid-html]: The HTML specification allows for very lenient parsing of HTML. For example, if we don't define the `head` tag it will usually be inferred. However we aren't going to allow that kind of leniency in our API.
Indexed data is all about equality constraints: proofs that some type parameter is equal to some type.
However we can go beyond equality constraints with contextual abstraction.
We can use [`<:<`][scala.<:<] for evidence of a subtyping relationship,
and [`NotGiven`][scala.NotGiven] for evidence that no given instance exists.
Beyond that, we can view any given instance as evidence.

Let's return to our example of length, force, and torque to see how this is useful.
In the exercise where we defined torque as force times length, we fixed the computation to have SI units.
Example code is below.
This is a reasonable thing to do, as other units are insane, but there are a lot of insane people out there.

final case class Force[Unit](value: Double) {
def *[L](length: Length[L])(using Unit =:= Newtons, L =:= Metres): Torque[NewtonMetres] =
Torque(this.value * length.value)

To accomodate other unit types we can create given instances that represent the results of operations of interest.
In this case we want to represent the result of multiplying a length unit by the force unit.
In code we can write the following.

```scala mdoc:reset:invisible
trait Metres
trait Feet
trait Newtons
trait NewtonMetres

final case class Torque[Unit](value: Double)
```scala mdoc:silent
// A * B = C
trait Multiply[A, B, C]
object Multiply {
given Multiply[Metres, Newtons, NewtonMetres] = new Multiply {}

// A * B == B * A
given commutative[A, B, C](using Multiply[A, B, C]): Multiply[B, A, C] =
new Multiply {}

Note that I defined the `commutative` given instance to represent that `Multiply[A, B, C]` is equal to `Multiply[B, A, C]`.
Now we can define `*` methods on `Length` and `Force` in terms of `Multiply`.

```scala mdoc:silent
final case class Length[L](value: Double) {
def *[F, T](that: Force[F])(using Multiply[L, F, T]): Torque[T] =
Torque(this.value * that.value)

final case class Force[F](value: Double) {
def *[L, T](that: Length[L])(using Multiply[F, L, T]): Torque[T] =
Torque(this.value * that.value)

Here's an example showing it works.
Notice in particular that `commutative` generates a `Multiply[Newtons, Metres, NewtonMetres]` instance for us.

```scala mdoc
Length[Metres](3) * Force[Newtons](4)
Force[Newtons](3) * Length[Metres](4)
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions src/pages/indexed-types/html.gv
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
// Diagram for html FSM
// run with
// dot html.gv -Tpdf -o html.pdf

digraph html_fsm {

node [shape = circle];


Binary file added src/pages/indexed-types/html.pdf
Binary file not shown.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/pages/indexed-types/switch.gv
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// Disable for switch FSM
// Diagram for switch FSM
// run with
// dot switch.gv -Tpdf -o switch.pdf
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@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@

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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/pages/usability/
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Creating Usable Code {#sec:usability}

APIs are interfaces and should be designed as such.

` scala.annotation.implicitNotFound` and `scala.annotation.implicitAmbiguous`

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