Generalisation dynamics of policy learning in high-dimensions
The code for numerically solving the ODEs and their corresponding simulations can be run in ODEs_and_Simulations.ipynb
Supported Platforms:
- Windows 10
- macOS 10.14 (Mojave), 10.15 (Catalina)
- Linux (manylinux2010)
Supported Pythons:
- 3.7 64-bit
- 3.8 64-bit
- 3.9 64-bit
- 3.10 64-bit
cd procgen
conda env update --name procgen --file environment.yml
conda activate procgen
pip install -e .
# this should say "building procgen...done"
In the procgen environment, the bossfight training and evalutation can be run from the train_eval_bossfight2 notebook.
In the procgen environment (instructions to create above), install the ale-py
package distributed via PyPI:
pip install ale-py
Follow the instructions for installing the Pong ROMs on [].
In order to import ROMS, you need to download Roms.rar from the Atari 2600 VCS ROM Collection ( extract the .rar file. Once you've done that, run:
python -m atari_py.import_roms <path to folder>
This should print out the names of ROMs as it imports them. The ROMs will be copied to your atari_py installation directory.
The ROMs can be found on []