Cowabunga is a programming language inspired by LLVM Kaleidoscope tutorial ( cbc is a compiler for Cowabunga language.
To get started, see Requirements and Installation. See Usage for an example.
The following required to use "Kaleidoc" compiler:
- llvm-dev, libllvm, llvm
- clang
- cmake 3.13+
This describes the installation process using cmake.
# Clone repository:
git clone
# Go to the project root directory:
cd cowabunga
# Generate build files:
cmake -S . -B build
# Build the project:
cmake --build build
# Create new file in the project's root directory
echo "a = 2; b = 1; c = 3; d = add(a, b, c); r = add(sub(a, b), d);" > main.cb
# Run compiler on the created file:
./build/tools/cbc/cbc main.cb
# You will get LLVM IR file and executable
# Run executable:
# Output will be:
# 7
Few examples are provided in this repository. They are placed in examples/ directory. Exaples are built by default.
# To run example ParenthesesSequence parser, run the following command:
# To run example PrintTokens, run the following command: