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The project is python 2.7.12 implementation of shift cipher cracking using english letter frequecy method.
The sample results is given as below:
Enter the cipher text: ItlxhfsmjqugtymjqijwqdujtuqjfsihmnqiwjsbnymymjnwifnqdqnkjGjhfzxjitlxfwjxtfhynajymjdhfsgjlwjfygziinjxktwjcjwhnxjYmjwjfwjrfsdinkkjwjsyitlxkwtrymjwjfqqdgnlytymjxrfqtsjxDtzhfsywfnsdtzwitldtzwxjqktwxjsinyytxhmttqnstwijwytrfpjnytgjinjsy
Encryption key: 5
Your plain text: dogscanhelpbothelderlypeopleandchildrenwiththeirdailylifebecausedogsaresoactivetheycanbegreatbuddiesforexercisetherearemanydifferentdogsfromthereallybigtothesmalonesyoucantrainyourdogyourselforsendittoschoolinordertomakeitobedient
Note: The program can be worked with any size of input but the size should be more than 30 letters for good results. Only enlish letter (A-Z or a-z) can be deciphered and blank space will be appeared with letter 'n' in recovered plain text
If you want to try it with your own plain text then you can encrypt your plain text through: