Custom files to get started on any Windows 10+ machine.
Whenever If I lost the data from hard drive or moving to another new machine, these files will serve the purpose of setting the customs that I use faster.
chmod +x && sudo ./
Whenever you need to write your own bash file on Windows it will add CRLF terminator at the end so in order to make it executable you have to run command
sudo apt-get install dos2unix && dos2unix
Yeah I need to make my shell look better 😄. Replace these dotfiles to root directory
sudo mv bash_support/.* ~
I like to have my music collection downloaded so I will store them in music directory using youtube-dl utility
mkdir ~/music && youtube-dl -o "~/music/%(title)s.%(ext)s" -a music/youtube_songs
Move into sublime folder
File name | Objective |
cpp.sublime-build |
Build file will run our specific cpp program at any location. |
cpp.sublime-completions |
Completions file will give you advantage on writing c++ code |
crun.sublime-snippet |
Template file for default c++ language. |
kickstart.sublime-snippet |
Template file for Kickstart competitions. |
py.sublime-snippet |
Template file for python language. |
pwn.sublime-snippet |
Template file for pwning challenges in CTFs. |
User Folder Location: C:\Users\{User-Profile}\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User
Usage Format : ./ {Contest-Name} {Problem-Counts}