A Linear Algebra library in C++
This library is being written to serve two purposes:
- To learn C++ and aid my learning of Linear Algebra
- To have my own library that I can use for future projects
#Features of Morpheus
The library currently has the capability to:
- Arithematic Operations ( +, - and * )
- Transpose a matrix
- Dot Product
- Reduced Row Echelon Form
- Inverse of matrix
- LU and LDU decomposition
#Upcoming features
- SVD and QR decomposition
- Compute rank of matrix
- Implement Strassen's algorithm for multiplication
- a C++ compiler, supporting C++11 standard
- the library code
- GNU make utility
By default, the Makefile is written to use g++ as the compiler for the library. In case, you prefer a different compiler, please make the required change in the Makefile
#How to build
The above commands would build the shared library libmorpheus.so and install it in /usr/local/lib