Example running saucectl with XCUITest.
The steps below illustrate one of the quickest ways to get set up. If you'd like a more in-depth guide, please check out our documentation.
If you're using VS Code, you can use Runme to run the following commands directly from VS Code.
curl -L https://saucelabs.github.io/saucectl/install | bash
⚠ Make sure saucectl version is newer than v0.44.0
saucectl configure
Simply check out this repo, set your XCUITest test bundles and run the appropriate command below 🚀
💡 We also provide DemoApp to demonstrate the test workflow. Click here for more details on how to build your XCUITest test pipeline.
To download prebuilt demo apps that run on real devices, run "sh ./scripts/download-test-apps.sh" and the apps will be downloaded to a directory called "demo-apps/".
cd DemoApp
xcodebuild \
clean build-for-testing \
-project DemoApp.xcodeproj \
-scheme "DemoApp" \
-sdk iphoneos \
-configuration Debug \
-derivedDataPath build
APP=DemoApp/build/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/DemoApp.app \
TEST_APP=DemoApp/build/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/DemoAppUITests-Runner.app \
saucectl run
cd DemoApp
xcodebuild \
clean build-for-testing \
-project DemoApp.xcodeproj \
-scheme "DemoApp" \
-sdk iphonesimulator \
-configuration Debug \
-derivedDataPath build
APP=DemoApp/build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/DemoApp.app \
TEST_APP=DemoApp/build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/DemoAppUITests-Runner.app \
saucectl run -c .sauce/simulator-config.yml
supports running tests in parallel by setting shard
and testListFile
in sauce config. Click here to check the details.
During the build phase of the DemoApp project, a script is available to extract test classes. As a result, when you build DemoApp using the provided repository, it generates a DemoApp/test_classes_and_tests.txt
file. This file can be used for sharding XCUITest based on concurrency. Furthermore, you have the flexibility to create your own testListFile
as required.
APP=DemoApp/build/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/DemoApp.app \
TEST_APP=DemoApp/build/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/DemoAppUITests-Runner.app \
TEST_LIST_FILE=DemoApp/test_classes_and_tests.txt \
saucectl run -c .sauce/sharding-config.yml
Follow me if you'd like to see how saucectl is configured for this repository.
Sharding Config if you'd like to see how saucectl is configured to run XCUITest in parallel.
Simulator Config if you'd like to see how saucectl is configured to run XCUITest with a simulator.
Our IDE Integrations (e.g. Visual Studio Code) can help you out by validating the YAML files and provide handy suggestions, so make sure to check them out!